
The links in the article show you where it shappening on a broad scale. To some extent its happening in interpersonal exchanges too. This morning I just about took the head off a white acquaintance who fashions herself as a bit of a spiritual guru when she posted a little speech about not using “blanket terms” like

Everybody who uses the “few bad apples” line forgets the second half. A few bad apples spoil the whole barrel. The whole point of the cliche is that if you don’t get the bad ones right away the rot spreads. Seems pretty fucking apt today. 

I’ve seen a few of these exact comments, including in progressive academic spaces, and I’m a Black woman. I literally just screenshotted this today. So why are you here using anecdata from your own personal circle to throw doubt on a larger discussion? No one is asking white women to shut up entirely, just not to use

“They’re all being genuinely outraged and dismissive and asking what they can do to help”.

Read through this comment thread. So many “I’m white and here’s my hot take on Nazis” or “I’m white but Jewish, do I count”. Me me me me me me me. It’s the well-meaning people who just have to make it about their moment to be great. I’ve seen a lot of it from good people who had to put their whiteness at the center of

Dude, don’t be the first person to post a question about your wife’s activism on an article explaining how not to make the conversation about you.

If people like Lauren Duca are only looking at the streets to determine how many female Nazis there are, they’re missing a HUGE chunk of the picture. For someone who seems to be internet savvy, I’m surprised she hasn’t noticed all of the female Nazis online. Maybe she’s just conveniently ignoring them. It’s not just

So basically you saw a criticism of some white people, and you were so blinded by rage at the very idea that white people were being criticized (and by a white lady no less! race traitor amirite?) that you completely missed the point of the article and instead rushed to pen a wannabe snarky comment that was

Making this tragedy about yourself is offensive. It is NOT significant that most of the protestors are male. Most of the protestors likely have white women at home, backing up all this bullshit just like they did when they were emboldened before:

I think you’re (intentionally) misunderstanding what this article is actually saying.

I mean, I’m a Jewish dude who society sees as white (but I’m aware that that whiteness is revocable). When I see articles like this and the article criticizing wypipo on the Root my response is like that old Chris Rock routine about women listening to misogynistic rap: “they aren’t talking about me”

I think what Kelly is trying to articulate isn’t that white women shouldn’t hijack this moment and make it about themselves.

“You can listen to someone be frustrated and bitch about white women, even in an aggressive way, and CHOOSE to not take it personally.”

Also applies to gay white men thinking they’re POC.

All of the “Don’t fuck white supremacists, ladies” takes are so gross. Like the worst thing a white woman could do is have sex with one, instead of actually being one themself.

Speaking up JUST TO SAY “not all white women” is indeed... offensive.

I noticed that too, Pantsuit Nation is honestly just fucking boring at this point. We have a more local Pantsuit chapter that I prefer because it’s actually about local issues and organizing actions and stuff, helping local activist, etc. People don’t seem to understand, and I say this as a white woman, that whether

Can you only speak out in regards to how it effects your self image as a white woman tho? Literally can’t say anything else?

In the past 1.5 years, I’ve realized that a lot of white feminists believe being women is equivalent to being a POC, and so they believe they have an understanding of racism that allows them to make it about themselves. Pantsuit Nation is actually a really good place to find them. It’s incredibly frustrating because

White women continuing to promote white feminism.