
There are two reasons for the flip phone. First, a flip phone is much more rugged then a smartphone. So it make sense that Nathan, even if he is no longer going into caves and destroying lost cities, would be using a flip phone on a daily basis.

Sully is using a Sony Xperia which just came out within this last year. I’m thinking that the PS1 is a relic from Elena’s college days, and Drake finds a flip phone to be more his style.

I totally lost my shit when this happened. Crash Bandicoot was such a big part of my childhood and I had a stupid grin on my face the entire time I played. I also loved the jabs about it taking forever to load and how people just want their games to be instantaneous.

Totally calling the main character Fassassin now

How did I stumble into the retirement community forum again? I must have set my Jalopnik bookmark to the wrong page.

Crap like this is the equivelant of get off my lawn or youth is wasted on the young. Kids today will be fine.

Instead you made yourself sound like an insufferable prick who belittles mental disabilities. Go with pretentious. This is the Internet, nobody will notice.

Pretty sure that the [insert name of generation prior to yours here] said that [insert generational reference here] was ruining [insert your generation’s name here]. I don’t know about you, but that shit only enriched my life.

Bitches get hard when they see ma ride. I know I know I could of purchase a Lamborghini but this BMW has something a new Lamborghini doesn’t have... Rust! Lots of fucking rust! I love it :)

It’s pretty stunning how they’ve managed to pull all of this off on the PS4's hardware, all with what looks to be a very smooth framerate. If this was on PC, I’d think, “Yeah, but what do you need to run that?”

My favourite PP was on the Vampire Diaries. Characters searching online and someone says “why don’t you just Bing it?” like, trying to replace Google as a search engine.
HAHAHA nice try, Microsoft. Stop trying to make “Bing it” happen Still makes me laugh.

Bonus points for getting the answer to WWJD 100% WRONG dipshit!

Conversely, why did you bother replying then? Are you that upset that someone thinks this game/DLC sucks?

God help me if I find some fuckwitted meninist trying to pee in the ladies room just to prove a point. I love how these jackasses express their transphobia by demanding entitlement to enter a female space.


Ahhhh Christians. The group of people who acknowledge that the only thing holding them back from doing horrific things is some laws and the threat of eternal damnation. The rest of us just try to not be assholes.

Because nothings proves how much of a problem this is by saying “There are so few actual instances of this problem existing, we needed to make some up.”

Do they really not see how creepy this makes them look? And do they not see that they probably could have done this anywhere because there isn’t security standing in front of the women’s bathrooms?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: we have more reason, statistically speaking, to fear conservative men in bathrooms than trans men and women. Between Larry Craig, Dennis Hastert in the locker room, among others, republican men get up to much seedier shit in a restroom than trans people.

Sooooooo the CIA is now in the business of bragging and publicly fishing for compliments for doing their fucking job? I’ve known 14 year old boys playing Call of Duty with more tact and common sense.