
And what about all the rich collectors who create a demand for poaching? Because poaching is already an extremely dangerous job that draws mostly desperate people. They’re not doing it for fun.

You know most of the poachers are probably not born with silver spoons in their mouth like you?

No I do, I sound like an asshole. I shouldn't judge a whole region since republicans do that and that makes it hypocritical. But at the same time.... Gays don't do anything to warrant the hate from small minded bigots. African Americans don't do anything to deserve the intense scrutiny and distrust they receive, it's

Great work giving this woman a platform, Inside Edition. What the hell.

Aaaaaaaaand this is why she’s estranged.

Starring Angelina Jolie with a crappy fake British accent and Daniel Craig with a crappy fake American accent

I’m sure your body is the most beautiful body in all of bodyville.

Solutions - bathing. Using some of the metric shit ton of Abraxo cleaner to clean your mattress and the surrounding areas. Removing the rotten food from your home, along with the burned rubber and carcasses.

Ta-daaaa. Smells mostly averted. It always bothers me how the people in these games never seem to clean their

I can just hear Nick’s Humphrey Bogart cadence now:

I’ll never understand how “daddy” can be a sexual word. Just...... gross.

Being told that you have to live as a gender that you are not. Can’t really imagine that either.

I do seriously wonder how many transphobic people are now complaining about being assigned the wrong gender in a game.

Being forced to constantly play a gender you don’t want to in video games. I can’t imagine what that is like.

Obviously you’ve gone and pissed off the YOLO shouting nerds.

To answer your question though, unfortunately I think kids still say YOLO.

No I’m sincerely wondering if YoLo is still used. I have no idea what your comment is trying to get at though? Like, do I not post jokes an witty observations? Did you take the use of nerd as a powerful insult I tried to use? Why are you so offended again? ....wait... you use Yolo still don’t you?

Poot Pants. laugh

Two versions on a closed system, with the same architecture. It’ll be more work, but that work will mostly come with optimising for the PS4 rather than the PS4.5. They’ll just scale it down, similarly to what they do with a lot of multiplatform titles right now.

Let me explain in more detailed terms:

Do you have a 4K TV? If you do you likely have the capital as is to upgrade to a NEO PS4. If not then you have literally nothing to complain about...

Technically, you won’t be losing out, if there are no game exclusive to the higher end version. That’s like saying you’re missing out if you have a 3DS XL instead of a New 3DS XL. Don’t fret! ^_^

It still amazes me how many people don't understand the concept of free speech. You're a moron.

I’m much more interested in the most popular question. It seems to indicate that there are concerns about how easy it is to get fired from FB and whether or not the company is doing enough to make employees aware of fireable offenses.