
i wish i never read this

Cosplay isn’t sexist or objectionable because no one is making these men and women go out in underwear and parade in front of conventions. They do it because they enjoy it. Some earn money from their cosplay, but they still do it because they enjoy it. They aren’t just sex objects because they are real people. And for

Most of the women i know who follow comics and/or video games do have an issue with it. However, they rarely bring it up around dudes because who wants to sound like a wet blanket?

Marcy is probably the biggest indicator of how shallow the writing is in Fallout 4. She’s this ever present character for the whole game, but she never changes. She just spews the same venom, and wanders around your settlement. For such a big presence, why wasn’t she given more dialouge?

Seriously though. Who else wpuld be that big of a bitch to stop me in the middle of my business to say “Go away! I don’t want to talk to you right now!”...THEN DONT APPROACH ME MARCY, BECAUSE I WILL NEVER WANT TO TALK TO YOU.

My container in the linen closet is labeled “Vaginal Wonder”

You know, it’s funny, really, how many different Canadian initiatives Americans point to and say, “See? If it works in Canada, it can work here!” And then our elected officials are like, “No. Canada is stupid and you are wrong. This is Amurrica, dammit! Hmphh!”

Some woman said it wasn’t her responsibility as a taxpayer to pay for these girls’ needs.

I guess she doesn’t think it should go to the kids. I expect she is a old, nasty bitch, who doesn’t even remember what it is like to start a period in school. She apparently has absolutely no empathy.


Did someone ask her whether the school should have toilet paper in the bathrooms? a guy with a trashcan in the bathroom...HUH?

《a low, steady hum of condescension—one that suggests their experience always matters more.》

every guy’s apartment i’ve been to, there have been no trash cans in the bathrooms. thank you for having tampons and i guess i’ll just put the trash in my bag.

the result of this kind of untethered manufactured outrage will be that advertisers will be hesitant to use models of color at all. why bother if someone on the internet will find something to raise hell about or interpret some aspect of your ad as ‘racist’ no matter what? you want a photo of an older child cheekily

Usually I scoff at the notion of overzealous “PC culture” (blech, I don’t even like typing it) running out of control....

I think you really have to want it to be offended by this one.

It’s downright fucking adorable that you think that’s how any of this works (it’s not, from either an ethical or legal standpoint).

In actual professional photography, watermarking is a point of contention in itself. It is not as clear as you are making it sound, so if you are not into the business yourself, don’t just assume you know better.

I think you mean “actual Scotsman”.