
Doesn’t matter if it’s a game or a movie or a book, content was created. Man hours and resources were spent creating media content meant to be consumed. Doesn’t matter its avenue of delivery. If this game was being delivered with the idea that it would not only provide an experience for consumption, but also some

There are so many different types of games nowadays, this comment is kinda backwards

I’m probably going to get shit for this opinion, but some people who are trying to do Let’s Plays as a career come off as super entitled. Especially the “sucks having someone make money revenue off my video” type comments. Without the game in the first place, you wouldn’t be able to make that video. I don’t think the

Gamers Unhappy That Actual Human Is Not In Fact Construct Of Digital Character, Express Displeasure

Nope, sorry, this guy ain’t Gerald Butler, ergo, this is bad cosplay and this guy should feel bad about his genes. How dare he give his own spin to a well-known character, how dare he not be the literal incarnation of Nathan Drake! The nerve!

You mean their policy of warning people ahead of time and still offering the package at a large discount for a while after the announcement?

It’s intentional. She wants him to come at her, and the way to accomplish that is to use his language. I don’t know why she’s doing it today - maybe because she wants him to shit the bed in his AIPAC speech? Maybe because after tomorrow Hillary will have this locked up and Warren is trying to deflect some of the fire

As a parent of a small daughter all I can say is your right but you are going to exhaust yourself. My daughter is also multi cultural, and if I had to sit her down and fight every micro bs moment we wouldn’t have time to have fun with life. The best I can teach her is that it is up to her to define her own existance,

Not even gonna lie, I think Gen-1 Nick is more fuckable than Gen-3 Nick.

I’m tired of being stalked, honestly. I look like 30 out of 36 of those guys. But my generic white male brown haired self is only like 5% of the worlds population. So why do all artists and designers spend all day everyday endlessly drawing me? Its effing creepy.

The long leather glove assists in skinbreathing. It’s a scientific fact!

you. i like you.

It better be called the Cocks of the Commonwealth Kit (C.O.C.K.), because punny! :D

Schlongs of Skyrim was the best mod I installed for Skyrim. I have equal opportunity nudity for my modding, so no nudity in Fo4 until I’m satisfied with the quality of both genders.

Making these mods is harder than it looks. Ok ok. Guilty. Bad pun.

But...if her son hadn’t been to war, he would just be a vandal and a waster, instead of a True American Hero (trademark).

Really, does that mean you are going to leave your damn hands off of my constitutional right to an abortion or birth control?

Most States remove guns from those convicted of domestic violence. For good reason as violent abusers, especially those who wave a loaded gun around, are the most dangerous people to have access to guns. A lot of gun deaths are domestic violence related.

Really truly love hearing right wingers blame lack of government support for their faults...same faults that would lie under all that “personal responsibility “ everyone else is supposed to have in abundance...

This was my thought too. Sarah Palin has insisted that well trained gun owners should be able to have access to guns. But she can’t deny that her children had good training, and spent their lives hunting (or she would have to say that she was a bad gun owner). He was in the military and got even MORE training. And