
I dont use mods mostly because when I do I always end up getting weird ones. Seriously. One time after using certain mods on Skyrim I stopped and asked myself why I was doing this. So I just play console versions now as I cant trust myself with mods. I think when I have that kind of freedom I do weird shit because In

At some point (hopefully) we’ll seriously start talking about why men are fucked up.

I’m not right-wing, so I can’t confirm it but I can offer you an explanation. Women are to be taken care of by men, protected from the raping hordes of brown people. A woman venturing out on her own is asking for it because she’s breaking the sacred family unit. Interestingly, this attitude is why right-wing men and

MY MAN NICK!!!! His Story of revenge is badass!

Not that ridiculous, when you consider that these games aren’t made in a social vacuum. People are having this conversation, and everyone has strong opinions about it, including you, and many others on this thread, as is obvious when get mad and you bring up things no one was talking about. So, when you make a

I’m actually all for equal representation and consideration in fields of employment—which is why I’m so conflicted about my view on subjects like this.

Voice actors are nothing more than the voice behind a character. King Trode’s VA was not, after all, a stunted goblin—nor was the VA for Shepard representative of all

Now playing

Spike love! Also the reason I wore a leather trench coat in college (pretend it’s his, I guess)

Interesting that you should say that. I am a gay lady, but I once had a sex dream about James Marsters. Not horribly weird, except in the dream, I was David Boreanaz and was super mean to him.

Now playing

SPIKE WAS MY SEXUAL AWAKENING. From ages 11-13. Like that SNL song with Elizabeth Banks. i first felt horny 2 u, james marsten (with a british accent solely)

He even SANG in British. I am having a lot of feelings right now.

Season 6 had some insanely hot scenes with him

True story when I saw an interview with him I asked ‘Why is he doing a fake american accent?’

Forget my weirdest sex dream, LET’S TALK ABOUT SPIKE. Good god, I would do very bad things with that man, (with his fake accent)

If you do a 360, you're making a full circle and going back to must mean a 180 right?

Pot shots? I have never shot at a mannequin. Am I the only one who activates VATS just to see if there are enemies nearby first BEFORE I shoot? It’s also handy for spotting mines and traps before you are near them.

Lots of people deal in absolutes. Including a lot of people on this very site.

How can someone with such despicable views be a victim? Do you call an 18 year old who thinks women who wear revealing clothing should be blamed if they are raped a victim? No. You probably call him an ignorant shithead who you hope gets hit by a bus.

Vienna is not a shit hole and many of the Western kids running off to ISIS are neither under-educated nor poor. There are a ton of factors at work.

Far from it. He treats everyone with great respect, he just doesn’t believe it for a second. Family is a special case since they try to force the issue.

That’s nice. For all the shortcomings of the US’s foreign policies, none of them have ever been to enslave, kill, and rape everyone who doesn’t believe the same as you — the two parties are not interchangeable, and Daesh is clearly in the wrong.