
It better be called the Cocks of the Commonwealth Kit (C.O.C.K.), because punny! :D

Schlongs of Skyrim was the best mod I installed for Skyrim. I have equal opportunity nudity for my modding, so no nudity in Fo4 until I’m satisfied with the quality of both genders.

Making these mods is harder than it looks. Ok ok. Guilty. Bad pun.

But...if her son hadn’t been to war, he would just be a vandal and a waster, instead of a True American Hero (trademark).

Really, does that mean you are going to leave your damn hands off of my constitutional right to an abortion or birth control?

Most States remove guns from those convicted of domestic violence. For good reason as violent abusers, especially those who wave a loaded gun around, are the most dangerous people to have access to guns. A lot of gun deaths are domestic violence related.

Really truly love hearing right wingers blame lack of government support for their faults...same faults that would lie under all that “personal responsibility “ everyone else is supposed to have in abundance...

This was my thought too. Sarah Palin has insisted that well trained gun owners should be able to have access to guns. But she can’t deny that her children had good training, and spent their lives hunting (or she would have to say that she was a bad gun owner). He was in the military and got even MORE training. And

Also one for REALLY MAKING SURE to not rush into any wars.

She sounds like she’s making a pretty solid argument for veterans to be denied access to guns.

I liked New Vegas, but I remember people saying how much it sucked and how much better Fallout 3 was and how Obsidian really dropped the ball.

I think people remember just how much better New Vegas was than Fallout 3 (IF you wanted plot / faction heavy instead of just wandering around and could handle Obsidian’s extra bugs) and are hoping for the same thing to happen this time. With luck Fallout 4 is the mindless (but still fun) wandering around with little

I dont use mods mostly because when I do I always end up getting weird ones. Seriously. One time after using certain mods on Skyrim I stopped and asked myself why I was doing this. So I just play console versions now as I cant trust myself with mods. I think when I have that kind of freedom I do weird shit because In

At some point (hopefully) we’ll seriously start talking about why men are fucked up.

I’m not right-wing, so I can’t confirm it but I can offer you an explanation. Women are to be taken care of by men, protected from the raping hordes of brown people. A woman venturing out on her own is asking for it because she’s breaking the sacred family unit. Interestingly, this attitude is why right-wing men and

MY MAN NICK!!!! His Story of revenge is badass!

Not that ridiculous, when you consider that these games aren’t made in a social vacuum. People are having this conversation, and everyone has strong opinions about it, including you, and many others on this thread, as is obvious when get mad and you bring up things no one was talking about. So, when you make a

I’m actually all for equal representation and consideration in fields of employment—which is why I’m so conflicted about my view on subjects like this.

Voice actors are nothing more than the voice behind a character. King Trode’s VA was not, after all, a stunted goblin—nor was the VA for Shepard representative of all

Now playing

Spike love! Also the reason I wore a leather trench coat in college (pretend it’s his, I guess)

Interesting that you should say that. I am a gay lady, but I once had a sex dream about James Marsters. Not horribly weird, except in the dream, I was David Boreanaz and was super mean to him.