
If you do a 360, you're making a full circle and going back to must mean a 180 right?

Pot shots? I have never shot at a mannequin. Am I the only one who activates VATS just to see if there are enemies nearby first BEFORE I shoot? It’s also handy for spotting mines and traps before you are near them.

Lots of people deal in absolutes. Including a lot of people on this very site.

How can someone with such despicable views be a victim? Do you call an 18 year old who thinks women who wear revealing clothing should be blamed if they are raped a victim? No. You probably call him an ignorant shithead who you hope gets hit by a bus.

Vienna is not a shit hole and many of the Western kids running off to ISIS are neither under-educated nor poor. There are a ton of factors at work.

Far from it. He treats everyone with great respect, he just doesn’t believe it for a second. Family is a special case since they try to force the issue.

That’s nice. For all the shortcomings of the US’s foreign policies, none of them have ever been to enslave, kill, and rape everyone who doesn’t believe the same as you — the two parties are not interchangeable, and Daesh is clearly in the wrong.

fuck “immersion”. its a goddamned video game with a HUD, subtitles, and a television around it.

It’s not that you don’t have a great point, it’s just that these games have become exponentially more complicated in terms of world variables. The fact that you, your character, could fuck up so royally is one thing- I get the emphasis on immersion in that respect. But what if you were just putzing along and suddenly

Fuck that pansy shit. If a raider kills your character in game, Bethesda should send someone out to disembowel you with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. Anything less kills the immersion.

I can’t help but laugh while simultaneously being slightly disgusted that some of the first mods to come out for the Bethesda games are always nude mods and killable children.

Game developper, UI Designer/Artist here.

What you said, words.

“It shows me “size” with a bar, not a number, which doesn’t indicate to me whether there’s a maximum size, or an ideal size, or what?”

it’s Right click on PC aswell.

I really wish Bethesda had not Mass Effect up the dialogue system or made the main character voiced because honestly to me having the main character voiced did not really add anything to the game. That being said I do like how when you skip dialogue the player character will go uh huh and stuff like that.

Incase it wasn’t gone over. When you open the pipboy you can click l3 (on the ps4) to zoom into the pipboy.

Check #BrusselsLockdown on Twitter. Police have asked for a complete media silence about current policy movements in the city center, and people have started to flood Twitter with cat pictures instead. It’s surreal and brilliant. Bon courage Belgians!

I still can’t understand the hate on this gal. Not here on Jezebel, but I frequent another site that constantly harps on her. When she spoke out against the wage inequality, they made fun of her and called bullshit. When she trips and falls, they call it fake. When she’s naturally sarcastic in interviews, they say she

how is it fake at all? she’s not lifting up the front of her dress while she walks up the steps and she steps on the front hem then it pulls her down, the end.

Microprocessors, man. Microprocessors are the devil and lead us from a wholesome lifestyle!!