
That first one is the Kennedy assassination? I mean, for real? That’s really macabre.

I keep getting this! I do not see where I was attempting to minimise anyone’s feelings!

Did you miss the part in which I called Paris a horrible, unspeakable tragedy? Apparently. Please point out where I said “we should not discuss”. It is not there. We should discuss and often and reasonably.

Or the Lebanese killed in Beirut? And the Turks in Ankara? And the Iraqis in our drone strikes? And the Afghans under our bombs?

Which word in “World War” confuses you? Sure we could go but

It’s frightening how quickly people will devolve into the same monsters they claim to despise.

Congratulations, now you’re thinking exactly like the people you hate.

More likely that pistol accidentally kills one of your family members than the ISIS guy that blows himself up beside you. Statistically speaking. But, if it makes you feel better, then why not.

+1 family is supposed to be your safe space to go until you are old enough and can deal with the world on your own. They are supposed to build you up so that you can be happy confident and carefree despite what the outside world may think or how the outside world may treat you. If she thinks life is bad for ugly kids

I totally disagree with Julia Baird. Your parents are supposed to be a soft place to land. “Telling it like it is” will hurt that child and harm their self esteem. So what if the child is unattractive, they’ll figure it out in the long run but they will come armed with parents who instilled in them solid confidence

Studies show that you are 45x more likely to kill a household member with that machete than an intruder.

Screw separate beds, let’s talk about totally different wings of a house.

Gah. Kill it with fire.

Game has a tutorial—they’re dumbing things down! Game doesn’t have a tutorial—bad, lazy devs! Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

camera and lens trickery

Credit card info? Social media? Bank accounts? Cloud storage? Lots of reasons why people want to protect sensitive data on their phone.

Man, when they find out that their password’s been plastered all over the internet, that hand is gonna be pissed.

Ugh. Have you seen the commercials from Walmart imploring us to use a green light bulb to show a sign of support for veterans? Seriously, if you want to support veterans, how about you save the light bulbs and donate the money to an organization that actually supports veterans.

This also brought up the (non?-) issue of having holiday products showing up in Canada before Remembrance Day—11 November, for all you ‘muricans. Someone on the Starbucks Canada Facebook page suggested that Starbucks ought to make a Remembrance Day themed cup. I replied with something simple like “why do you want to

Remember kids: Black Lives Matter is a bunch of whiners who are looking for reasons to be offended. The real oppression is a lack of Christmas iconography on your coffee cups.