
I was once curb stomped by a bouncer for resisting him (he tried to separate me from my friends, I said no, so he picked me up, carried me outside, threw me to the ground and stood on my chest) and when the cops finally came, around after my friends were screaming for help and the guys were being held back by the

Mine was male. And then female. Then male again. Then female.

and mine was female despite pr only showing off male for merchandise during 1 & 2, sooo get over it?

It seems from reading the linked article that destroying large quantiites of currency is not permitted legally. Giving it away would be different.

This is great! When I die, I’ll probably do a similar thing with my fortune to prevent my heirs from getting it.

So your myriad of posts come across with less of an ‘insane rambling’ vibe.

You can’t read Binary’s response to you without laughing...but you also can’t realize there are actually people out there like him/her without weeping. His real hashtag is #drunkandangryat2pm.

I think what Sony is trying to do is sell the notion of “you (the player) as part of the experience” of gaming on the PS4 through the use of emotion, humor, and most of all, live action.

You really didn’t have many dialogue options in the previous two games, a dialogue wheel doesn’t seem to affect it that much. A great deal of personal backstory was also given to you in Fallout 3, in fact it drove the main narrative so arguing that this is something new in Fallout 4 is rather silly in my opinion. The

No, that’s just in your head. The actual reason is because the voice acting and Mass Effect chat wheel fuck up roleplay, and RP is the whole point of getting Fallout and TES games besides the modding. So you won’t be spending 2000 hours playing an infinite amount of characters in an infinite amount of ways, you are

higher quality women

Yes. Only we get old and fat.

“My bad behavior is some woman’s fault.”

Oh, fuck both of these sociopaths. They never should’ve found women to procreate with. They were losers then, they’re losers with a new schtick now. They’ll lose this one too if it stops paying.

They aren’t apologizing. They’re just making another cash grab.

They were great for dialogue. Since Bethesda has completely revamped the dialogue system, I’m not terrible surprised but am disappointed.

Speaking of perks, am I the only annoyed that the cherchez la femme and confirmed bachelor perks were removed? They were great additions and I’m sad they’re gone.

Just hope they have enough content to fill the map so players don’t get bored. We don’t want to do another Daggerfall.

Real interaction my friend had

Is telling him I want to sit on his face til he suffocates too aggressive? yes? no? Maybe? I’m going for it.

EDIT: for those who seemed concerned, I am not actually going to suffocate or harm my buddy. Thank you.