Maybe he was upset that they didn't bring him any :(
Maybe he was upset that they didn't bring him any :(
Adequate answers to "you need dick":
"Why are you making us feel bad?"
And then people tell you there's no need for feminism in the USA anymore.
Interesting... so it's a basic need now :D
What the fuck? Where do you live?
Nah, probably just a case of natural selection in combination with higher risk affinity.
People doing dumb shit that get them killed is no problem of feminism.
It feels like bizarro world where idiots are beeing trolled by feminists...
What the heck did I just watch? XD
We had exactly one female prof and she was awesome at her job. Sadly she left this year... so the fairy tale is over I guess :/
I once had an hour long discussion with a former friend of mine. Her answer to my question why she's got a problem with gay people pretty much sums up what this kind of people think about tolerance:
I knew it!
As a student: #TheOverwhelmingMajorityOfStudents
Pretty much sums it up. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad and dangerous.
But they are awesome. And you're probably just part of some obama led conspiracy... and also you are clearly jealous of their awesomeness.
Ok, you win.
"This is the return of the wise-cracking Lara, the one who shrugs off falls and shoots undead enemies with a smirk."
If there only was something that also feels "vaginal"...
The title is really misleading.