She's so pretty I couldn't even pay attention to her dancing boobs.
She's so pretty I couldn't even pay attention to her dancing boobs.
I wouldn't be able to stay serious trying this. Probably just laugh my ass off midway through it. The moment his penis would stick through a grapefruit. .. I don't think I could stop laughing and call it a day.
So this is a thing now, hu?
Ughh... just ughhh.
I'm Italian and didn't understand it either
In the German Glamour Magazine they once advised to cut a hole into a grapefruit... and then perform a blow job whith the penis sticking out of the grapefruit.
Well they do keep copying each other...
Sounds like the perfect marketing strategy :D
They get way too little attention and I can't understand why.
No, my thoughts exactly. Next thing they ban female orgasm altogether while they're at it.
What kind of asshole shots at children?!
That thing with the scissors was a dick move. It was pointless and she risked everyones safety...
Sadly, I think that exactly is the point :/
Because it only counts as rape if the victim fights enough, duhh...
Yes, the comments were "educative" and most of them scary as fuck honestly.
I have an issue with people who mix up immigrants with people of foreign descent... If someone is born in a certain country, it doesn't matter where her/his parents are from... she/he didn't migrate from nowhere and can't be an immigrant.
There is a surveillance video from outside the McD showing how she got hit