
I think Pearl gave amazing face in that one and created magic. I completely believe it was luck of her outfit and her signature moves meshing with that song, but it still worked. (although I will also admit to liking Pearl's performances in general more than most. She doesn't have range at all, but I think she's good

I thought Laila was fabulous. She gave me flashbacks to Raja vs. Carmen, and I am always here for that.

I have pretty decent Arabic (Classical and Moroccan), and I can confirm Laila means night and nothing more than night. It has connotations of beauty when used as a female name, but it is literally just the word for night. It's also the most common/overused name for Americans to pick as an Arabic-based stage name (at

I love Katya as much as everyone else, but that Hello Kitty outfit deserved to be bottom two. And unfortunately for Katya, she was put up against Kennedy in a song that Kennedy connected to and Katya didn't.

I will defend Violet to the death. Her looks are amazing, and she is a beautiful performer. s7's emphasis on campy acting performances did not serve Violet well, and no, she's not ever going to be an actress. But Violet is a sexy, charismatic, fiery performer on stage, and she's developing into a solid aerialist.