
The title of this and subsequent text is misleading. Tony Grossi is employed by Good Karma Brands. Good Karma brands operate several ESPN affiliate radio stations. ESPN Cleveland’s web presence is linked with in an effort to deliver a consistent brand. This does not make Grossi an “ESPN columnist,” nor are

Corey Kluber has walked 64 batters in 36 starts so far this season. That’s 1.7 walks per start. All of a sudden he’s going to walk 4 batters? I know he doesn’t play for the Cubs, Red Sox, or Yankees so you probably don’t know who he is, but this was much closer to a “normal night” for Kluber than the best start of

MLB rules prohibit foreign substances on a pitcher’s fingers, this includes band-aids, bandages, gauze, and tape.

I feel bad for the kids, but if I were the coach of the winning team, I would stop trying to score as soon as my opponent did the same. And as a player, I would find it much more humiliating to have a team just stand at half court with the ball until the clock ran out.

OHSAA games do not have a shot clock. Asking the coach to do something which is impossible seems a bit far fetched. Would it not be more humiliating if the winning team walked the ball up the floor and stood with it until the quarter ran out?