Rule-Breaking Moth

Also, there is NO therapy or counseling for rapists/sex harassers/assaulters. There is the occasional stint in jail. THAT’S IT, Jack. Domestically violent men and rapists are well-known recidivists. Even when they go into therapy, they rarely change. In fact, in the manner of sociopaths, they learn to play the game

Reminder - he wasn’t fired because of his behavior. He was fired because the public found out about it.

Praise the tiny baby Jesus that we don’t have the Clintons and their family drama in the White House. Can you even imagine? Whew! Bullet dodged.

No, it’s passive-egressive behavior. They are shutting women out as punishment for their colleagues’ not being allowed to do whatever they want to them.

Garbage person does garbage thing: film at 11...

She is just a horrible human being. Irrespective of gender or anything else she’s just awful.

Nene leakes, has never been able to take the heat. She knew her “comedy” sucked, so she decided to become verbally abusive. She’s perfect for reality TV.

I can’t stand Nene Leakes. She’s only famous for being a living embodiment of the loud, ignorant, trifling-ass, wisecracking stereotype of black women that gets foisted on the rest of us and rewarded in Hollywood. I know that she has a huge fan base but so did the minstrels.

Scorching hot take, bro. Are we also only good for sandwich making?

Misogyny is a badge of honor to him. I don’t know if he did it, but I’m not surprised if he did.

Lots of rapists get off on the control they have over someone who either said no or is too out of it to consent. They could get someone else but not being into it is part of the thrill for them.

Your excuse is the oldest in the book. If that were the case why would she accuse a has-been of rape? Oh that doesn’t fit your fucked-up narrative, does it?

You’re a real charmer. I’m sure you’re just drowning in ladies.

Harvey assaulted an Italian model and she reported him to the police. When they questioned him about the incident, he admitted he did it! He still wasn’t charged because the prosecutor didn’t want to pursue the case. That’s why women don’t tell.

There’s a reason why guys like Weinstein choose women ten levels below them in power. It’s going to take ten years to either get to a level of power that allows you to weather the storm of accusations or realize you’re not going to make it in that career no matter what.

she was deeply shocked by Weinstein’s behavior and was frozen

Anyone who wants to know why these women waited so long just needs to read the first paragraph of this article.

The victims are in an oppressive bind if we shame them for coming out now. They are bad they came out then, now, or not at all. Let’s not contribute to shaming them.

So. How is the lawsuit coming against the NYT, Harvey?