Ruin Tomaro III

Somewhat. I’ve seen people pull them out for completely stupid shit (like bar altercations) and I tend to make delineations between that and going 55 in a 50.

Each officer will be different. My wife got out of a ticket because the guy that pulled her over was on my softball team and recognized her (she didn’t know him).

Hold on a minute.

I wonder how many officers see the card for what it is and choose to not only ignore it but write the person up that they may have let go with a warning, previously, had they not given the card.

Heartbreakers are worse. If it’s a blowout, I’m changing the channel and pretend like it never happened. I’m more emotionally invested when it’s a heartbreaker, and the hurt is exponentially worse.

Just stop. It’s not worth your sanity. Just accept that the Patriots have joined cockroaches and Cher as the only things that will survive a nuclear holocaust.

I don’t buy it. It’s in the best interests of the league to have the largest media markets possible in the Super Bowl and London is way bigger than Boston.

Why would people try to climb Ron jaworski?

Eat Arby’s.

Nobody’s perfect

I won’t lie, Brady vs. Wentz would’ve been a fantastic Super Bowl. Sucks we won’t get that this season.

Don’t worry, there’s a 100% chance Elway throws a dump truck full of money at Foles this off season.

No fucking way.

this is the third time in my life that I’ve seen my (now almost 90) grandfather genuinely drunk off his ass, the prior two being the last two games of the 2005 season. While I’m certainly a brainwashed eagles fan, my poppop has been hoping a win pretty much forever, and this is probably his last shot at seeing it, and

You take that back

Nope, sorry. I’d even root for the f***ing Cowboys before I root for the Pats at this point. I’d have to violently purge my stomach afterwards, but...



I love everyone right now.

Great, thanks Dom. For your next article, maybe you can tell the Pats how they can get their hands on some weaponized smallpox.