Ruin Tomaro III

I always thought that if Hinkie was a true moneyball disciple, he would’ve thrown an obscene amount of money at Phoenix’s training staff.

I like Lauren’s soccer writing (much better than Haisley’s) but her hot Sixers takes pale in comparison to Burneko’s.

Personally I was worried we were going to see Simmons and Fultz sitting on the sidelines with Embiid so this video is pretty reassuring.

Weird that so many Eagles fans were attending games in other stadiums.

I thought for sure he was down too, but the back angle showed his knee didn’t quite hit.

Pitt is in WESTERN Pennsylvania.

Well, between this pitiful response and LeBron’s epic one, I guess we’ve settled who the one true King is.

James just posted what he’s trying to do, and why:

Having gone through the polls now, there are four players on there I’d say should be in his top 40 automatically - Rickey, Frank Robinson, Pujols and Pedro.

Pretty sure that if you look at his turn of the century historical baseball abstract (which unfortunately is still packed away from my move, or I’d do it), you’d see the arguments against Robinson, Clemente and Ripken being top 40 of all time. I think they were in the 70-100 range and that’s not taking into account

This article here. Given the tone of this site as well as everyone’s understandable defense of survivors, the article itself is at least justifiable - the unprofessionalism in the comments, not so much. But I’d always felt like Anna was humbled by the experience which makes me sad to see her lack of caution and

I generally like Anna’s writing, but let’s not pretend she didn’t make one of the most egregious errors in the history of Gawker, tho. And then doubled down by being super obnoxious to people in the comments.

It’s amazing how many people don’t realize this.

The Democratic Elite was NEVER going to suffer any real hardship under a Trump presidency.

Who won the Democratic primary in the most diverse state in the nation? (Hint: It’s Hawaii)

That was essentially the Democratic plan for 2016 as well.

Don’t forget when she shot that cattle rustler.

Always trust the algorithm.

Maybe, but it’s also really uncomfortable to try to have a happy ending in one.

It’s a trick. Turns out Kevin Durant IS everyone on Twitter.

Is anybody NOT tired of Joe Buck? Even if a person had enough brain damage that they thought he was competent, the fact he gets shoved in our face for two sports is terrible.

Yeah, Mendoza is great. I thought Mowins did a good job too.

The guy is really reaching saying people dislike Mendoza for being Hispanic, though. I guess sociology professors have to constantly justify their line of work.

Aw thanks!