Ruin Tomaro III

They were one post away from doing it. DING!

Murray had the dream run last year but I feel like most people would say Gibson should’ve been the starter. McLellan has never impressed me as a coach.

I do, but apparently you’ve forgotten about the entire Christmas that was dedicating to finding a Bobby Hoying jersey!

I have to think the Royals are the favorites until somebody puts a stake in their heart... and then another stake in that stake :)

Perot’s two big issues were anti-free trade (which went against both parties at the time, and still did up until Trump) and reigning in government spending to prevent budget deficits, which went from something winked and nodded at under Reagan to absolute canon under Gingrich’s Republicans. It’s possible that Perot

I read this and think you’re not old enough to remember when a third party run DID bring change - 1992, when the Republicans lost because of Ross Perot. That led to a definite shift in the direction of the party that really is the reason for their successes since then, starting with 1994.

Anyone who has a problem voting for a woman in the general was probably voting Republican anyway, and anyone specifically voting for a woman because she’s a woman was probably voting Democratic.

That’s only because “life as we know it” got stuck in Schuylkill traffic.

We’ll just have to get Trey Parker and Matt Stone to throw a “North” into “America - Fuck Yeah”

Clickbaiters gotta bait.

And she was getting her diaper changed then?

He’s so worth it. One of my few disappointments with this game is that Growlithes don’t spawn near me.

What a bunch of dicks.

Great idea, Nigel! Looks like that promotion is almost guaranteed. Could you get Anna to fetch some coffee for the team?

How long do you have to stay on top of the game at Sundance to be eligible for the Cosby Lifetime Achievement Award, though?

I don’t think Kinja’s character limit will allow me to list the ways in which I think Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be President (a summation: I’m only a Democrat now so I can vote against her in primaries), and yet I’m wavering on my commitment because Trump is so bad.

I live in PA, and I did vote sane. Sadly he lost to Clinton in the primary.

Johnson was an excellent governor. Do you think he’s forgotten how to govern just because he hitched his wagon to the half-lunatics of the Libertarian party?

I don’t know if nobody did it or they edited out, but if someone asked me to “sing something from a Marvel movie”, I probably would’ve broken straight into “Shoot to Thrill” from the best scene in Avengers 1. Or at least “Iron Man” from the end of that movie.

Luckily all the harm that Yoko Ono has inflicted upon the world has been gender-neutral.