The population is large, but the internet amplifies the outliers.
The population is large, but the internet amplifies the outliers.
Not that I see any reason to revisit them, but Empire Records and Can’t Hardly Wait both blow away Dazed & Confused (whose only interesting performance is Matthew McConaughey not acting).
Of course these movies were made for Gen-Xers, not millennials.
The same reason so many people who killed themselves paying off student loan debt don’t support student loan debt forgiveness. We already have a brutally unfair system; giving additional benefits to people trying to do what you managed to do legally is just one more thing to feel oppressed by.
I thought it was Asha and Osha.
The only problem is that they have to pull one superstar out of that mix (it probably won’t be Kevin Durant) - otherwise their ceiling is the 2014-15 Hawks.
If she was actually any good at teaching Divination she would’ve predicted this.
Complaining about Ben Franklin is literally the first article ever on Jez to make me go “them’s fightin’ words”.
“Tonto Kowalski, nice to meet you.”
I totally thought that was Crash Holly as well (who also deserved better).
Looking forward to you and Jason Concepcion doing “Hamilton” as an ode to Mace Tyrell.
I think his writers may have taken inspiration from DeNiro
Sadly, today it’s “Game, shirts”
They don’t have that “eye for an eye” justice level because a journeyman injured by a star would be incentivized to sit out forever - possibly even with some off-the-books payments.
Every (legal at the time) Scott Stevens shoulder to the head.
Can we get Bob Marley who played the “what if it was one guy, with six guns?” detective in Boondock Saints?
As I saw someone point out on Twitter, there’s a good chance Shaw gets suspended for this and Kris Letang does not get suspended for his Marty McSorley imitation, which is depressing.
Uwe Krupp scored a triple overtime goal in a scoreless game to win the Stanley Cup... and it was game 4 of a sweep. Never see that highlight in any highlight packages.
I didn’t say the Caps did any instigating, and I’m not sure where you got that. They were in the scrum that developed when they went after Bellemare after the hit.
Should mention that the officials completely dropped the ball on this, and that’s part of why the “throwing stuff” continued.
I feel I am qualified to say you are incorrect.