
Just think of all the lives she has saved. Her life was not wasted. RIP.

A startup is a new business. That's it. In the tech industry, a startup may not every even make anything, it might just be a simple piece of intellectual property that gets sold off before it's even used. The word startup is also becoming an increasingly negative term describing a culture of young entrepreneurs who

I always use the Spishak Mach20.

I always use the Spishak Mach20.

Thank you for your service Apollo 1 astronauts. May you rest in peace.

Theoretically, (at least in my sleep deprived mind), Eat would work too. You eat, digest, then fart and defecate. One could collect methane gas with the last two. Energy problem solved! Who runs Bartertown?

HA ha ha Love it! Animals are so cool!

Brilliant! I could see a mini on a huge hamster wheel. I’m laughing already. That thought in my head just made my day. Thankyou.

That is funny! My son’s hamster does this all the time. I think they do this intentionally. Stuck in cage, THRLL RIDE!

There be whales here caption.

Come on! How could you have scantily clad girls swimming in your pool during meetings with your henchmen one minute and then kill your enemies with a slow dipping mechanism and sharks with laser beams the next if you have kids in the house? I mean come on!

I can't believe no one mentioned the summer intern Long Duck Dong who did the fact checking

Great photo. I'm not an expert but I like this very much.

Yes...they are. One be meeeee ARRRRRR!

Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots +1

My GOD... What are they??? They're so... furry! Quick, someone get a Peruvian flute band over here! I's The furry dea..achnonfkn.......

Obviously a spoof on the "great" Kevin Bacon movie Footloose. Gaud the 90s sucked.

Reading the Wiki artical about Smoky must have stirred up the dust in my house a little. My eyes seem to be watering a little. GO YORKIES!

"Jojo sold his home in Tuson Arizona, bought some Califorina grass." My Aunt lives in Tuson. Every year we have a family dinner. It's a good time. Don't harsh on Tuson, I'm just saying.:)

Sorry, I still don't know how to start a new thread in these chat rooms. I just want to thank Mrs. Rides for her service. I hope she is happy wherever she is. My heart goes to her family.

I think I hurt my head reading this.