
Plus you guys can just like...pee anywhere. Just go outside for fucks sake.

Yeh well I shit a lot so

Plus, if any man is telling the truth, we sit to pee as well about 1/4-1/2 the time we’re in our own home. Especially when you get up at night and you don’t want to blind yourself by turning a light on.

Because if you have two people of opposite genders sharing a bathroom, the breakdown is the woman sits for peeing and pooping and the man sits for pooping but not peeing. That means 3 out of 4 bathroom processes for the household require the seat down ergo the majority. So it makes sense for the toilet seat to be in

In my house we put both the seat and the lid down every time. Who wants to see inside the toilet bowl anyway?

It’s simple, really.

1/2 situations in which Men use the toilet require the seat to be down (unless you shit standing up, just impressive)

2/2 situations in which Women use the toilet require the seat to be down.

Therefore 3/4 times the toilet seat needs to be down.

edit: holy fuck people I’m not saying Men

And we are already off to a FLYING start.

Good god, if Kotaku took over Jez today and their commenters followed them, it’d be a fucking bloodbath.

Just remember to put the seat back down after y’all are done today, k?

I fear and mistrust sports and consider this a covert attempt to try and induct me into one of your terrifying exercise cults and I will not have it, sir.

According to Nate Silver, if Trump’s negatives with women voters stay what they are now (he has between 30 and 40% approval rates with Republican women) and they stay out of the election, we’re looking at a Mondale/Reagan type race where a lot of even red states could flip as Trump’s base will mainly consist of white

I don’t need feminism because I can just write this sad letter.

The conservative messsage has always been: it doesn’t happen to good women. Ladies aren’t raped, ladies aren’t assaulted, ladies are’t victims of domestic abuse, ladies aren’t abused at all, and ladies never admit to being victims of anything.

Trump just loudly and openly says all the stuff the GOP has been quietly insinuating for years. That anyone is surprised by any of this is bizarre to me.

Dear GOP women,

“Yeah but taxes and also I don't want my kid to go to school with black kids."

SE Cupp interviewed Carly Fiorina for Glamour and in it she added an editorial about how she wished women cared about tax/fiscal issues as they did about reproductive health issues. That right there was proof enough that Republican women do. not. get. it. For so, so many people reproductive health issues ARE fiscal

First off - the fact that this man has no empathy and is clearly a narcissist is one thing. But can we please acknowledge that he can not even speak about “women” or “women’s issues” without talking as if he’s speaking to men about them? By that, I mean he will keep saying “I’m gonna be so good for women. Women love