ruggerbabe19 did it on camera..

Activist grand juries.

That saddest part is some of them do admit that he did this, and they don’t give a shit. They think anyone who gets assaulted in any way deserves it.

As glad as I am that Lewandowski is getting charged, the continued inability of Trump’s followers to admit that a member of his cult of personality did wrong is just disheartening.

I don’t even mean in reference to the recent rape. Stonewall was a riot against the State because of the State’s homophobic police sweeps, and homophobia generally. So, it’s interesting to see Cuomo use Stonewall as evidence of NY’s belief in LGBT equality when Stonewall happened expressly because of NY’s homophobia.

I guess as a concept not as a real life place where someone just got assaulted?

“Also, if you want to be a shitty Governor,” Cuomo went on to say, “You have to be more subtle about it, like me!”

BWAHAHA. Have you never even peeked in a Ladies? They’re usually 1,000 times more gross. :)

I would Trudeau him in Maine,

I love when straight dudes openly crush on other men. I see it as a sign of security in one’s identity/masculinity/whatever and a lack of any homophobia whether overt or suppressed, and that’s a turn on.

I’m a straight male, and even I’m crushing on this dude.

“Study confirms what those with real-life experience have been saying for years” reads the real headline.

It is possible that shelwood was referring (albeit rudely) to the fact that all women were punished for speaking out on diversity, regardless of race.

After five years at a former job, I pointed out that I was the one lady on a team of ~50 white engineering dudes, and that we had no POC. This had been glaring to me since I started, but absolutely shocked the people I worked with. Somehow, they had failed to notice this fact. Then they didn’t see why it was a

I’m sorry, but as an artist and writer myself that mentality really pains me. I wish less people had that mentality

I find poorly made movies boring, not fun, and tedious, even with my brain turned off. There’s a difference between well-made trash and complete crap.

I never got that mentality... if you’re only interested in the exciting visuals, why see a movie at all? You could just wait until someone uploads all the fight scenes and watch them on Youtube. If I’m actually going to go watch a film I’d like for the story to at least not be so bad that it distracts me from enjoying

When all else fails, remember: Zack Snyder is, has been, and will be a hack director.