
You are on the right path, though. Yes it sucks to feel like you’ve got more to go, but you’ve managed to lose 20 lbs in a manner that keeps your metabolism and is sustainable. Be proud of yourself!

Your goal should be to lose 1-2 lbs a week. The problem with the biggest loser is they are losing too much weight too fast, and fucking up their metabolism. You want to lose weight in a healthy manner you do it slowly, but that doesn’t make for as good TV as “ermegerd you lost 15 lbs your first week!!!"

Guys that’s not where the pancreas is.

I just remember trying to steal different colored hats from frat guys. That’s derby days right?

I fucking loved it but I’m also going towards psychiatry and have issues with mental illness myself so..

Just personally, I loved everything about Tina Fey as the shrink because it was like looking into a fun house mirror for me.

You also aren’t taking into account that Greek life is set up this way, where the men have all the access to EtOH and the women have none - it’s against sorority rules to have booze in your house, girls get kicked out over it. So in order to be a part of drinking culture, like most college students want to, girls are

Boo fucking hoo

A circle

Shit. This sucks so bad for her. I understand the ruling, but it sucks

Branstad is such a shit.

Damn Cara Jennings, you are one fearless motherfucker.

Damn, I could use some lolz after reading this article. So depressing

Could you describe the look on their face when the judge shuts it down?

I’m 5'10 170 lbs and I wear size 8. It’s more about how you carry it (boobs and hips/ass in my case) than actual weight that determines your size

Damn she was so young. I worry she might have killed herself :(

These are really common in kids, and sometimes if you don’t wash the sheets of the person who has them well enough it becomes fun for the whole family!

Oh god this is amazing

The problem is white men are going to be so pissed off when they realize that.

That’s hopeful at least. May I ask what made you see things from a different perspective?