
Mine does this too. Any ideas how to get him to stop? Should I get a spray bottle or something and just spritz him every time he does it?

Med school is the same way IMO.

Dude that’s an amazing idea

Idk man. I think we should go on a sex strike, but that’s just me.

Hahahahaha. No

One person doesn’t put another person in jail. That’s not how the legal system works. Just accusing someone doesn’t actually do dick.

Actually what he means is that is that he just realized the state’s oil money is drying up, and if he keeps wasting taxpayer money on this crap, people are going to start saying something.

You and me both. Le sigh

I don’t give a fuck, this is hilarious and you all know it

The fact that the government is able to force physicians to lie to patients is fucking un-American and I have no idea why this is allowed to continue.

They can, and I’m sure the good ones will do everything in their power to communicate that this is all bullshit. The bigger issue is that when women go to their primary care doc be can they are pregnant and don’t want to be, they could very likely not be told that it’s all bullshit. There are doctors who believe in

Hope it’s cool if I steal this story, because it’s a great illustration of the fact that abusers can behave rationally, even in their most agitated state. I mean, really that should be obvious, we are talking about human beings after all, not werewolves who transform into some hideous uncontrollable creature. But then

Which is 100% in her control!

I think Mack is a really strong and brave human being, and I have respect for her and all that she has been through. That being said, I will not buy one of these shirts as nothing about them actually “brings awareness” about intimate partner violence. Swing and a miss, in my opinion.

Doctors hate people with BPD more than anyone. Some of it is valid frustration because it’s incredibly difficult to manage, doesn’t respond well to drugs, and if the patient is acting inappropriately, and countertransferance happens. Doctors are also known for having a fucked up sense of humor, especially in the ED.

Literally sexually harassed would be more apt. Jesus you can’t just go around asking minors when’s the last time they caught some dick.

Wait, what? How does that work?

Do you honestly believe an intoxicated 18 year old is capable of consenting to sex with her father?

You can’t “have sex “ with your father. That’s called rape

NBC leave this poor family alone. Fucking vultures