I have the mirena as well, and not having my period is the best fucking part (aside from the no babies thing, that is)
I have the mirena as well, and not having my period is the best fucking part (aside from the no babies thing, that is)
Do you even lift?
Is this why so many of them act creepily happy all the time? I’ve always wondered
I’m just gonna go ahead and assume that was pocket sand
Plenty of logical reasons - bad experience, they don’t have insurance or the money. etc
As an adult I find this to be true as well. I like to enjoy my time gaming (on and off line) and I’d prefer it not to include a 13 year old threatening to rape me, so the mic stays off.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who when reading her story though mosaicism. Obviously, it’s not like we know for sure one way or the other, but yeah, I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case.
It does, just not in Alabama. Come to MN, we are like all blonde here.
Further proof that people don’t actually give a shit about people with mental illnesses - they just don’t want to get shot. :/
I would also like it if before you could buy a gun you had to go through protesters calling you a murder, and have a representative from congress describe the gun to you in detail along with telling you that it has the possibility to take away a precious individual life.
What if my senator is Ernst tho....
This makes me irrationally excited. I worked for Limited Too and then for justice and I have all the excitement.
Some guy full on grabbed my ass at my own bacherolette party. I was wearing a sash and a tiara and had a pimp cup that said bride on it. And I was at a gay bar.
Welcome to being a woman I guess?
wouldn’t it still be a part of public record regardless?
Do you know what clerkships and residency are? And here you go with most. Most does not equal all. Not all NP programs require previous nursing experience, don’t play like there aren’t people who go straight from getting their BSN to getting an NP. I don’t have a problem with those who worked as RNs for an extended…
Because you can go from a BSN to an NP program and have barely any patient care. There are NP programs that are mostly online for heaven’s sake! Yes I understand what the scope of practice is and what the education is. It all comes down to “you don’t know what you don’t know”
Where did I say female nurses? Or are you just making assumptions? And my issues have nothing to do with gender, they have to do with patient care.
Just speaking for myself, I’m cool with regulating after 24 weeks, but not a complete ban, unless we all want to see more kids with disabilities in foster care/being abused, mothers having to carry fetuses that have no chance for survival, and just generally giving a big fuck you to poor women in a desperate…