
Just speaking for myself, I’m cool with regulating after 24 weeks, but not a complete ban, unless we all want to see more kids with disabilities in foster care/being abused, mothers having to carry fetuses that have no chance for survival, and just generally giving a big fuck you to poor women in a desperate

This is just a shameless ploy of campaign moneys right? The funny thing is if they actually gave a shit about babies they would be putting more money into contraception/planned parenthood/OBGYN residencies. But nahhhh

Some days I swear I’m gonna write Ruggerbabe19 BA DO WTF BBQ DTF on my short white coat and see what people say hahah.

I understand where you are coming from, for sure. My issues with nurses tend to surround the issue of nurse practitioners - who I don’t think are properly trained for the work they are doing, LPNs who can’t do simple tasks correctly, and RNs who put 50 different acronyms behind their name (Jane Doe RN, BA, AA,


“I’m honestly surprised you’ve never been raped. You totally seem like the kind of girl who would be”.

I’m sure I’m going to get shit on for this, but nurses can be some of the most idiotic people I’ve ever met. Especially LPNs, who are the one’s you tend to find taking your blood pressure in correctly at your doctor’s office.

Sooo one guy with an n=6 who didn’t even submit it to an ethics board. Do you even science, bro?

Or you could have Ehlers-Danlos. Either one!

Anna - FYI “grand mal” is old terminology, we call it tonic-clonic now.

Fun fact - it never stops.

To be fair, my mother is a 64 year old Italian-Catholic who once told me that it’s an oxymoron to be a Christian and be pro-life and that these “fucking white men” need to think about what Jesus would have wanted.

Yeah. Not a fucking 4 girl. I say a 3c tops.

Wait are white women really not allowed to wear box braids?

Good to know that I’ve never been sexier than when I’m wearing my cadaver juice soaked lab coat and wrist deep in dead guy.


Oh god.

I was just about say that... like come on now

That sounds pretty unlikely