No sane person tells someone they are going to rape them
No sane person tells someone they are going to rape them
It's just that people always find a way. Illicit substances are also banned from campus... doesn't stop people from getting them
Are you serious? Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? Did they run this past a single female editor?
This is actually one of *the* dumbest things you can do. Basically you are again creating a power differential between the ones who live off campus and can access booze and those who live on campus. I went to both a dry and a wet campus and I felt approximately 1 million times safer at the wet campus because I was…
So the first standardized patient I had knocked me down points because "my breasts were distracting" and that I was wearing a "lacey top" <— not true, I was wearing a crochet cardigan.... I was pretty pissed, like it's just so difficult to find the right balance and I really didn't think I had stepped over a line.…
Thanks for your insights! I have quite a few Muslim friends who are male and I've learned that just like with every other religion there is a spread of different beliefs and adherence to specific rules. None of them wear any head coverings, but some pray 5 times a day while others don't. I think that if more…
This is truly a woman who gives no fucks.
Dear god please don't use the med student thing...
Dear god please don't use the med student thing...
Real talk - is megyn kelly becoming less of a shit head?
this has to be one of my favorites of all time from them. Just fucking kills me every time
I would watch the shit outta male sex in the city. SOMEONE MAKE IT HAPPEN
For the love of god will someone listen to the white man
Some faith in humanity restored
I do this on a regular basis. I'm usually up til midnight or 1 studying and then my brain is too full of thoughts to fall asleep so I rub one out then fall asleep. Literally I do this probably 5 times a week. Whatever.
So I'm a medical student. I've never seen an abortion, and from talking with upper class men it's pretty clear that you aren't going see one unless you specifically search it out. Also you can't just invite your buddy to come watch a procedure or a surgery or an examination because HIPAA. This story is 100% false
I just want to hug all of them. There's nothing wrong with their dicks, albiet they look cold
I just spit all over my computer screen over meat cat. Shit gets me every time
This was exactly what I was hoping for.