
Yea I mean, most of her music has been pop-country and the themes of her songs are generally always the same. Not that it's bad, but the only real departure here is the lack of a slight banjo playing in the background.

As much as I like Taylor as a person and an artist, I have to admit that I get tired of her emphasizing how DIFFERENT each album is. Every album thus far has consisted of music mostly about her love life, and is it a really big deal that she's now making purely pop music instead of pop music with a country twinge?

Oh, I thought that's where she was attempting to pioneer Embarrassing White People Dancing as a legitimate genre.

Also at 3:09, when parody is stripped away, leaving the "real, genuine" dancers, those people are overwhelmingly white. smdh.

I was starting to like Taylor a lot. Then I heard her announce this song as something TOTALLY DIFFERENT than anything she's done before. It's a mediocre pop song at best with a message found in every song she sings (people/boys don't like me for being me but I'm soooo me) and this video. Oy girl. I am disappoint.

DISSENTING OPINION: I remain convinced Gaston is one of those dudes with a tragically enormous dick, who thinks that his huge schlong means he has to do zero work in the sack. He just bumps your cervix for five minutes then rolls over and congratulates himself for being such a superior cocksman.

I want to know how awkward this conversation got when someone brought up that the hottest disney dude is actually Robin Hood.

Anybody who thinks it's hypocritical for us to hate rape and like sex isn't very good at thinking.

Being non-consensually assailed with violent, graphic imagery of rape porn is not even close to the same thing as voluntarily looking at porn that appeals to you.

Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.

The whole time we were working on this, I couldn't get this out of my head:

No one's slick as Gaston

My father desperately wanted to give my youngest brother the middle name "Tiberius," after James T. Kirk. My mother absolutely vetoed Tiberius, but agreed to names with the initials NCC. Which, as all good Trekkies will know, is the call sign of the starship Enterprise.

At a Colts-Broncos game in Indianapolis 11 years back, we were heading out from our seats after the heartbreaking loss. (This was the first time the Colts had been worth half a shit in years.) My friend motioned up above us and said "hey, look..." bringing my attention to one of our beloved local weathermen, who was

Georgia/Florida, mid 2000s. It's about an hour before kickoff and I'm lost in that tailgating haze in which 45 minute conversations feel like 10 minutes and you've actually had 12 beers not 4 like you were thinking. My attention is quickly drawn away from whatever I'm doing to my friend (Georgia fan), standing on