

Spot on. And this...

And it doesn’t help that Texas also passed a law last time that drastically reduced funding and resources for parents and families and schools who have children with disabilities.

If that slut didn’t want a disabled baby, she should have prayed harder. That’s on her.

Not only would this prevent women from having the choice to abort, it robs a woman who would choose not to abort from preparing herself to have a child with a disability, who may not even survive birth. This is disgusting on all fronts.

When I was a kid, some friends of mine were extras in a Lifetime style television movie starring Sarah Gilbert and Louis Gossett, Jr. And another kid I knew was an extra in the Hulk Hogan movie No Holds Barred. They were all insufferable, and we ate it up, and they didn’t even have real parts.

“I’m sorry, I just won an award.”

Barbara has an Outkast poster. She’s clearly the better twin. This is no longer up for debate.

Well, since this is a hotly contested issue in many parts of the country, and she might be in a better position to sway people who on the fence about it, I’d imagine a lot of people who care about women having access to reproductive rights give a shit about this.

As the wife of a Republican politician, she always played coy regarding her opinions and beliefs. As soon as W. left the White House, she opened up and clearly stated her support for abortion rights and same-sex marriage.

I sort of see the Rashida and would like to throw Reba McEntire into the mix.

Good for her!

I know this isn’t a very extreme case of it, but I honestly live for women who grow up and say ‘fuck you’ to their fathers’ restrictive view points.

There are two major issues at play.

Yeah this is what I was thinking. I was surprised when some people complained about her “disrespecting the office” when it really seemed like she was more “oh just some black people, I don’t have to act like a professional”.

A thousand times this. And it wasn’t like she was just hanging out in the head office of some random corporation - she’s in the Oval Office of the White House. It’s kind of a big deal. And this wasn’t just the usual Fun Fridays hanging-out-with-the-staff - this was an occasion of importance for the guests, who were

It was not really about the fact that she is so comfortable in her position that she put her feet on the couch. It was that she did so with the heads of the HBCUs in the office. The likelihood she would have done so, with say, the Ivy presidents is pretty fucking low.

“I’m going to give a free commercial here. Go buy it today, everybody.” 

~Andy Borowitz

I’d really love to stop talking about how the President is perceived (and how he perceives himself) and keep the focus on the bigger issues. Can we please hone in on the fact that the president’s VOICE program is one of the most frightening things we’ve seen come from a President who is already hell bent on crushing