Yeah, I’s a bit weird and sad that she’s so well trained to avoid messing up Mommy’s makeup with affection. Although, to be fair, it does seem like we see Kim sans makeup more often than ever, these days - maybe this is part of the reason?
At least he’s admitting who he is.
I absolutely love that pause where she’s not sure if she believes her mother.
So regarding Mel B. The other day on the Howard Stern Show, someone brought up the fact that Mel was getting divorced. Howard started to say something like “o good she finally got away from him” but cut himself off. Robin started pressing him on it and he very quickly ended the whole discussion basically saying…
She does. That look when she’s assessing Kim’s claim of not wearing makeup was pure Kanye. Adorable.
Aw she checks to see if she’s going to ruin her makeup first! sweeeeeet baby girl
What’s her recipe
Oh, no doubt his extensive resume also helped his chances, but the fact that he did it is enough to make me smile.
Any chance Mom would share her recipe? Blueberry mimosas would be yummy!
It also helps if you read the article before you comment.
Is your activism performative or substantive? One New Jersey teen knew exactly how to show his answer to that…
Rich white lady privilege means you can go rent another apartment. But it doesn’t mean you will safely escape.
It’s been four years and I’m still wondering why so many Average Janes thought that a book by a Corporate Jane was somehow going to empower their career. Can anyone tell me how Lean In was going to help the grocery store cashier get a fifty cent raise this year?
The amount of discussion about this book among women has…
Huh. It’s almost as if policy and patriarchy dictate this stuff and not the you-go-get-‘em determination of individual women.
Damn Sheryl it’s almost like capitalism is fundamentally incompatible with the equal liberation of all people!
Everyone knows tacos are a hand held salad.
Shailene Woodley just sort of shows up, doesn’t she?
Give Nicole Kidman an emmy for “Big Little Lies.” Her work on that show is astonishing. People talk smack about her face, but that woman commands the screen!