SOOOOO much worse
SOOOOO much worse
LOL you’ve gotta watch Going Clear the HBO Scientology documentary
This is the second Empire recap I’ve seen that’s referred to Jamila Velazquez’s character who’s name is Laura, as Guadalupe. Like I know that’s how Cookie dismissively referred to her in one episode, but it’s not a nickname like Anika’s “Boo Boo Kitty”. It’s just kind of weird and rude. And yes I know it’s just Empire…
OMG... Honestly how do you casually discuss your STD status with strangers and drop a bomb like having a miscarriage in the same breath as going to see Ted Nugent??? Like I feel for these kind of people but at the same time it just makes me wonder if they’re just being sympathy mongers.
I have an office oversharing story. When I asked my co-worker (who I’m not close with at all) his plans for the weekend, he decided to tell me about his girlfriend’s uncle molesting his girlfriend’s cousin... as well as a colorful story about his alcoholic aunt. Now I’m an empathetic person and I certainly appreciate…
In my head Dora’s twerking to Work by Rihanna
Is the girl ok is what I’d like to know. Like did she get a concussion, did she break any bones and if so is he paying for her medical bills?
These organic burial earth pods are an idea that I’m considering. Even though the idea of deforestation or vandals carving their names in the bark of my tree is worrisome —- I think a cemetery forest and giving oxygen to the world is a nice idea.
I honestly thought the same thing, like either period leak, swamp ass or a split seam
vinegar, baking soda and a brilo pad will get those hard water streaks off your shower door
LMAO I wish they’re from this imgur gallery making fun of Ice T’s lines on Law & Order and no matter how many times I read them, they never get old.
OMG I honestly couldn’t take 11.22.63 seriously. Also that goddamn CLOTHESPIN scene when his reaction is just “Whuu?” was so tonally comedic I wonder how many takes it took them to film it without laughing.
Nope! Also really hate how period constipation makes my cramps/lower back pain worse. Because (TMI) the impacted contents of my intestines pressing up against my ovaries makes the pain so much worse
Yea they actually did have personalities back then... and Kim although ditsy and self-absorbed was kinda funny (despite her mild rage issues). But I guess all the media training and “refinement” of the spotlight has effectively erased all traces of that.
I hate myself for knowing this but... in this episode Kim brought a Bentley and she expected Kourtney & Khloe to celebrate her “moment” but instead they just laughed, made fun of her, left the dealership without her because the car wasn’t ready, and went to Chipotle. Then later that night when Kim came to Rob’s…