
It’s the correct answer because your car isn’t omnicient. Will running into that bridge abutment instead of that daisy-chain of kindergardeners bring down the structurally deficient freeway overpass, killing the children and bunch of other people too? Will steering off the side of the bridge to avoid a bunch of

I’ve heard more women than I ever should have say ‘well, we didn’t plan on having a kid. But we decided to stop using any birth control’

Yay! So glad the Mirena works for you! I had mine pulled recently, because it was nothing but a 5-month-long experiment in how many different types of inconveniences and discomforts I could manage, but I am thankfully the unusual one.

This makes me laugh. I’ve haven’t been on hormonal birth control for years. I have a partner of 8 years. We live together. We don’t use condoms.

I just did a small laugh snort on a train. Not at your pain but because I agree. They actually improve my mood too, I’m way more PMS-y when I’m not on the pill.

My thought upon reading this study was: “You know what else is really depressing? The thought of, every month for the rest of my life, having to miss three days of doing anything because I’m vomiting from pain while blood gushes out of my vagina.”

Oh, I remember that. It was truly horrible. My brother, who was unharmed, but who worked downtown, was walking the six hours home across the Brooklyn Bridge with all of his stuff, and sharing his water with the other footsore travelers, while Trump was bragging about the size of his building. Barf!

I lived in New York for most of the 2000s. They were not over it by October. The trauma of that experience was laid bare a lot during the 8 years I lived there, though less and less as time went on. The initial hours of the blackout in 2003 was a fun experience of minor hysteria.

Brendan - You forget that Trump also boasted, actually on 9/11 hours after 3000 people died, of now owning the tallest building downtown. Which was not only disgusting, it was also a bold faced lie. Trump’s 40 Wall didn’t become the tallest 70 Pine did. Sickening.

I love it when New Yorkers, especially this dip shit son of a mob lawyer, claim ownership over 9/11. I especially love it when they try to deny any ownership to a person who, for all we know, was sitting in a building that was targeted by United 93.

You were there that day, Rudy? I’m sorry! I didn’t know that. I’ve

Is losing?

“There is a particular pain that black women feel that I don’t think black men understand and it’s a pain that comes from feeling like we do a lot of labor that we are not emotionally compensated for, or publicly compensated for or appreciated for.”

Have they tried not being oppressed? I bet they probably haven’t.

Life sucks so people should have to just deal with oppression. Wow what sparkling insight. Of course life isn’t always fair, there is pain there is suffering. But certain kinds of shitty stuff can be actually be brought to an end with conscious efforts. Equating the unique experience of being in an oppressed group to

Who promoted this dipshit?

What... what’s your point here?

All Shoulders Matter.


For all my frothing at the mouth about his crappy suits, his ties were not something I noticed until now. HOW? My god, the TIES. lololol They’re cartoonish!