
She gets a pass in my book

This isn’t really a point about the matter at hand but that’s my argument against every GOP puppet when they rail against welfare, universal healthcare, a minimum standard of living, social safety nets, financial aid, etc etc etc. Now people can talk to death about the difference between natural rights and legal

My issue with allowing someone to decide is that those criteria are open to bias. Black children are consistently labelled as “older” and “more of a threat” than white children, even when there is no real evidence that is the case. And then you end up with more black children charged as adults. Its problematic at

That’s a solid, nuanced argument. One that she’ll hopefully have competent council convey while she’s unfortunately going through trial. That’s the shitty thing about contracts: Even if common sense says a breach is bullshit, your ass can still get hauled into court by the “offended party,” which in this case is the

Ron, your grasp of the logic behind this is flawless. It’s another reason that Black Lives Matter. Quite aside from it being wrong to kill random Black men because you are angry or frightened, when police all over the country are doing this persistently, they are ripping up the basic solcial contracts of society and

a woman was charged with reckless homicide and aggravated vehicular homicide after attempting to flee from her abusive husband with her daughters— he held onto the car to try and prevent her from leaving and she accidentally ran over him

That does not surprise me in the least. It’s horrible. I really, really wish they would eliminate the possibility of charging kids 17 and under as adults. Really, biologically speaking it should probably be even older, but at least at 18 they are legally an adult.

This is a great response. I am enjoying the Hobbes, too. A+

If you actually read the stories, she did her damnedest to protect her kids with her life. Her abusive husband repeatedly told her that if she tried to escape or defied him, he would murder her kids in front of her. If, instead, she let herself be beaten, he apparently stuck to beating her and did not physically harm

Which is pretty bullshit. If your brain isn’t fully developed enough to understand the implications of your crime then it doesn’t matter if that crime is shoplifting or murder. You are either adult enough to understand it or you aren’t. Being able to cherry-pick who gets to be tried as what is idiotic.

For a second there I thought I was pointing out a disparity in how a society treats different classes of people. Thank god you were here.

There it is. That fucker killed four people and he got probation.

Maybe that resentment should be directed at the actual abuser?

Affluenza kid then. Happy?

So damn American

This kinda shit makes me rageeeeee. I just listened to a podcast about a case in Ohio where a woman was charged with reckless homicide and aggravated vehicular homicide after attempting to flee from her abusive husband with her daughters— he held onto the car to try and prevent her from leaving and she accidentally

..................... what? Why are you doing this?

read the article about the abuse and how she tried to get away. also, read every domestic abuse violence experience. ever.

32 year old Ryan Lochte = just boys being boys

14-year-olds are not adults. I still dressed up my American Girl Doll for holidays and went to summer camp when I was 14.