
I just adore how countries with this problem never, not once, even consider making childbearing more attractive for either men or women. They just double down on the shame/patriotism/YOUR CLOCK’S RUNNING OUT! without lifting a finger to do anything about family leave, etc.

Whoa! This is so accurate, I can hardly stand it. If Italy really wants to increase their birth rates to replacement levels, they need to look to countries like France and the Danish countries, where humane maternity leave and pregnancy support policies mean women aren’t putting their whole financial future at risk

If nothing else, this scenario shows how far women have come. Now that we have a zillion other options to live life, you know like how dudes could for centuries, women should be asking what’s in it for them and if there isn’t anything because the guy and/or career options suck, bail. Whereas before, marriage and kids


I imagine it's something like this

“Soon your only reason for living will be up, crones. Tick-tock tick-tock.”

When I saw the booties with the patriotic ribbon all I thought was “choking hazard.” Not safe, Italy.

If only there were hordes of people trying to come into the country to live, work, and help its population’s growth curve... Wait, not THOSE people? Oh, only the white ones? Nevermind, can’t wait for your country to crumble.

We should do it though. If we don’t, we’re selfish bitches. But once we do we better not expect government aid of any kind. Cause after all it was entirely our decision and no one forced us into it. :/

Minimal (if any) support for mothers, no affordable childcare, and the burden of care placed on women.

Jesus christ! Is that literally a woman holding an hourglass?

Here’s a great protest chant I learned in an Italian feminism class. “L’utero è mio e lo gestisco io.” It means the uterus is mine, and I’ll manage it.

I wish she would say “deplorables” more often, and to their faces. These are awful people, the scum of the earth and they deserve neither our respect nor our patronization. Just because they are Americans doesn’t mean we need to pander to them. They are bad and I wouldn’t vote for anybody that’s afraid to tell them

I think that by using the pronoun “she” without also including a bikini body and innate subordination kind of puts on you on the outs with a great many of these people anyways. She doesn’t know her place so she is damned before even starting. I believe there are political issues that Clinton brings with her but damn!

same bb...and im waiting for the trolls to be all “BUT WHAT ABOUT THE NAKED TRUMPSSSSSSS!!!”

Now now, he only added the bra so he the people around him would know this is a woman. You know, since white male is the “default” human being and anyone else needs to be marked as other.

“We don’t hate her because she’s a woman! Her being a woman has nothing to do with it!”

I guess this was coming especially after “hillary for prison,” “trump that bitch” and “hillary sucks but not like monica.”