
Hey, hey, hey! Can you throw Alaska in there (whole thing, not just the little SE chunk)? I was born in one of those states, have relatives in another, and have lived in the Frozen North for half a lifetime.

Funny enough, this rhetoric would be more effective if the nation’s gun owners were organized into a well-regulated militia. One of those bizarre moments when you realize an unintentional aftereffect of the right’s insistence on individual gun ownership under the second amendment is preventing these morons from

That’s fair, because if Trump wins I’m praying for a Cascadia secession

It’s just bizarre that people who are worried about a tyrannical government would want to elect Trump. Everything about him screams wannabe dictator. I guess tyranny isn’t so bad, as long as it’s directed against other people....

Has any one of these yokels ever read the Constitution? Shouldn't that be required to hold office? The person who gets the most electoral votes becomes the President. Being duly elected does not make the President a dictator. Stop running around screaming about tyranny and shooting people, you sound like John Wilkes

This was an idiot on the field incident as they say on Also, some random guy ran up and interrupted the show from the crowd.

I just complained to Gap about having to shorten their “short” length pants, and I’m 5'4" and usually wear heels. They actually said they design them that way intentionally so I can customize them to my preference. THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF SELLING SHORT LENGTH PANTS?? My “preference” is to not have to alter

Get some local people elected and they may be able to start to make a difference.

More contentless pronouncements without any actual content. The employee donations are not in reference to lobbyists, but the paltry $300k sum that Sanders tried to portray as a major gift from industry itself. And, yet again, you’re perfectly comfortable misrepresenting a contribution from a telco or an airline as an

And, yet again, Greenpeace’s numbers are only reachable by means of a net cast so broadly as to be both meaningless and fundamentally dishonest. As Factcheck and several other fact checking organizations and individual journalists pointed out during the primary, they portrayed low-level employees making small personal

Personal property and corporate “owned” property are hardly the same thing, whatever your neoliberal business professor told you.

Again, this ignores the fundamental problem with Greenpeace’s heavily manipulated numbers, in that they cannot prove that the money is tied back to the energy industry as opposed to any other trade or industry. It’s pretending that being a registered lobbyist for that industry is tantamount to only working for that

I’ve said this before: the Green Party needs to rethink its strategy if they want to be a power in this country and make a difference. Putting an anti-vaxxer-wifi-will-kill-our-children candidate up once every four years ain’t. gonna. cut. it.

So you have no defense for Jill Stein’s behavior.

Hey look, another serving of the broadly defined and discredited Greenpeace numbers on fossil fuel donations that the Sanders campaign tried to ride to victory.

This is some really bad, more-than-a-little odd trolling.

Most PhDs don’t practice medicine. Because they are doctors of philosophy. The “Ph” stands for “philosophy”. MDs practise medicine. The “M” stands for medicine. Having a PhD means you’ve completed an educational program at a university. You can get a PhD in any subject taught at a university. Btw, I get that you’re

They are not physicians, but they are doctors. The "D" in PhD stands for doctor. There are medical doctors, juris doctors, doctors of philosophy, doctors of theology, etc. It just shows you've reached a certain level of higher education

The word “doctor” comes from the Latin “docere” which means “to teach,” so yes, we are doctors. I think what you mean is that we aren't medical doctors.