“I’m smart, and am often correct; therefore what I think and say is likely to be correct; therefore my experiences and interpretations reflect reality; therefore what I say should be listened to without question.”
“I’m smart, and am often correct; therefore what I think and say is likely to be correct; therefore my experiences and interpretations reflect reality; therefore what I say should be listened to without question.”
“What most scientific studies conclude is that what matters is that you love your kids and want the best for them.”
She said she agreed with Sears’ parenting philosophy which claims there’s only one right way to parent. I think that advocating attachment parenting and treating Dr. Sears as a reliable, reasonable source on these things is dangerous. Dr. Sears is someone who opposes women working outside the home and sees it an…
It absolutely is bullshit to imply at attachment parenting is the best or only way to do it. It’s one way to do it, and I think what Lua is saying, and I agree with, is that it’s probably not going to harm your kid to do it that way. That said, both the philosophy and many of its fans suggest that it’s the one “right”…
“[Some] mothers choose to go back to their jobs quickly simply because they don’t understand how disruptive that is to the well-being of their babies. So many babies in our culture are not being cared for in the way God designed, and we as a nation are paying the price.”
I’m sure your choice was good for you and your baby, but your comment reminds me that, Holy shit! America needs to get with the global program on mat leave. That year off to recover and all the other first year stuff is a god (and by god, I mean government) send.
“I generally recommend that any child diagnosed with autism not receive any more vaccines.”
If vaccines cause autism *gag* and the child already has autism, then what’s the fucking harm?
Each side on every parenting issue leads to so much defensiveness. Breast vs. bottle, co-sleep vs. sleep training, etc. Everyone does what works for their own needs and personal situation, why can’t we just leave it at that?
Having them be acceptable and having them be better or even preferable are not the same thing.
I think the practices associated with attachment parenting are perfectly acceptable. I hate that it’s turned into a movement instead of parents making decisions about caring for their children.
I am a monster, I clearly didn’t understand my baby’s needs when I went back to work after three months like a selfish asshole. Let’s not talk about how if I hadn’t, I am positive I’d have been in that 23%. I would have been miserable, but physically present, which is definitely what matters most!
Doctors are quite susceptible to Smart-Dumb, where they waaaaaaaay overestimate their significant but rather impractically concentrated intelligence, and come to believe quite strongly that they are superior in their knowledge of all things, not just say, basic family medicine. Having worked with some doctors who were…
There are many different parenting styles for many different children.
Your kid may do well with it, and good on you both, but that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t have done equally well otherwise if you’d gone a different route.
Actually, the number of antigens (what makes the vaccines vaccines), is much lower now than it was in the 80s, the “golden era” that so many too many too soon people reference. So, nope.
Good for you. But it’s bullshit. My non-attachment parented 3 year is thriving and awesome.
Yeah, I definitely noticed a suspiciously-high portion of my moms group (mostly middle class to upper middle class families) seemed to have children with medical needs that required delayed or no vaccines. Sure, some kids will have legit medical needs (please do not feel encouraged to defensively reply about your…
People often mistake the difficulty of becoming a doctor with the job having some sort of innate morality. It doesn’t.
If Ben Carson can become a doctor...
They’re the Antonin Scalias of medicine. They have substantial intellectual gifts which they squander to justify some set of beliefs which, for whatever reason, they’re predisposed toward.