
You understand this woman is a star athlete, right?

Seriously, the worst thing about Gawker’s death has been the MRA scum with nothing better to do flooding here to beg feminists for attention with their lame “trolling”. I can’t wait for them to go back to sniffing their mother’s underwear whilst masturbating for their entertainment.

And yet, here you are, on every article, doing your damnedest to fan the flames in the other direction. We get it, dude, you would rather we shut up and make you a sammich. Take it to Deadspin where you’ll have no problem getting other douchebros to agree in unison.

Just stop. Please. Take that shit to your MRA forums. Quit trying to make this entire thread all about defending ourselves to your point of view, which seems to be your only modus operandi when you jump in on these threads.

Yes, because as a man, the fact that you prioritize family life is still remarkable in our society, so it’s natural that you are proud of it and want others to take note. But yes, as a man you have the luxury of that choice. Women, on the other hand, always have these roles emphasized for them.

No one cares about Jrue missing any games. He’s a non-starter on a crappy team. Her accomplishments are like the sun compared to his unobservable oort cloud object.

Ummmm no. It is indicative of institutionalized sexism. This is a feminist website. If you don’t like discussing feminist issues, or want to dismiss serious points, YOU need to find a new hobby, perhaps commenting on Faux Noise would be more to your liking?

Okay, no. No.

Okay. I mean, one might think that Twitter followers are also the kind of people who’d click on an article about the person they’re following, but okay.

but ignoring how much her husband is giving up, is just as fucking sexist

I’ve always wanted to ask George Clooney, “So you’re considered to be very attractive. But how is it possible that you’ve also established yourself as a humanitarian and philanthropist? That must be a unique but tough balance.”

OOH Cookies for the man who actually carries out basic human activities! Imagine! He is taking time from work to care for his wife! Nobody has ever done that*! What a trailblazer!

Well, if her male heir said it was important then by all means... Dude, this is part of the death by a thousand cuts women face every day. “It’s just a headline” It’s just a compliment” “It’s just a joke” “It’s just an ad” It’s just a music video” “It’s just the way they do things here” “well that’s what people think

It’s good that she managed to overcome the handicap of not pleasing boners to still do something or other with her life.

Dude take a breath. No one is shitting all over Jrue taking time off to care for his wife. It’s about the presentation. Jesus.

My favorite part is how they frame lack of aesthetic appeal and a likeable personality as contradictory. Who woulda known that a woman who is “plain of feature and certainly overweight” could “NEVERTHELESS” be “a woman of wit and warmth”? Is it really so hard to see a woman’s personal characteristics as anything other

Her kids didn’t write the obit. This was a public obituary for a prestigious scientist who had just died. Find me a similar obit for a male scientist- they don’t exist and the unconscious intention is to both undermine her accomplishments and to assure readers that she was a ‘real woman’ not some humorless ball

I like the way they implied she was witty and warm despite her hideous appearance.

I would figure out a way to rise from the dead to kick some ass if that were me.

When Australian author and neuroscientist Colleen McCullough died last year, one of the premier national newspapers printed this as the opening of her obituary...