
In 5th grade I went to my social studies teacher to tell her I was being bullied by a boy who called me several names, but was being extra mean because I was a “Yankee” (I had moved from New Mexico to east Texas three years prior and had no idea what that meant) and she told me, “Well, he’s calling you that because

Another argument in favor of free higher education.

In 2nd grade, I got kicked out of the classroom for talking and had to sit outside. What was supposed to be 5 minute punishment became 2 hours because my teacher forgot about me. When afternoon recess rolled around and she opened the door for the class to exit, she look down at me, startled, and asked why I didn’t

Why be a teacher?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Do something else if you hate children.

You had me at Benghazi. *swoon*

( not a divorce attorney) but any kind of legal investigation ( whether it’s CPS or restraining orders) does not paint that parent , in the best light. Bottom line, Huma could use his poor decision making ( forced resignation, adulterous- esque behavior) to show he does not have his child’s best interest. He is a SAHD

Just wait. Somehow this will be Huma’s fault. “Why hasn’t she taken her son and left?” “A good mother would have left the campaign trail and come home.” “Benghazi!”

don’t worry, Huma is still getting blamed PLENTY for having a job and expecting the father of her child to parent her child.

Also how is he not curled up in shame somewhere? How is he still trading barbs with reporters instead of being on the phone with a therapist?

Right? Rather than the whole “yuck yuck it’s not his fault he’s just a dad *shrugs*” that usually happens.

Why post names of women with the intent of having internet strangers contact them because you’re (rightfully) upset about their male bosses screw up in a case concerning violence against women? Are you hoping seeing his female staff members harassed will inspire empathy?

Miss you Larry ;(

protip: innocent until proven guilty only matters in a court of law. You have 50+ women coming forward accusing you of rape, yeah i’m calling you a guilty motherfucker and as long as I don’t publish it and claim it as fact you can’t do shit. Deal with it.

Sadly most nations have a rather sordid history. History is filled with murder, war, and injustice. We are not jnique in this. I wish we were. And given that we are the bastard bairn of the British Empire is it really any wonder that our history is so tortured? It doesn’t excuse any of our nation’s misdeeds or crimes.

Yeah, you don’t offer bail or an ankle braclet to a violent domestic abuser who was caught armed after kidnapping and torturing his wife...especially when they lives six miles from one another (says so in source). This judge fucked up royally and it cost this woman her life.

Fuck Judge Gary Gilman. This woman’s death is on your hands asshole. And as usual incompetent men won’t suffer consequences while this woman is now dead.

What’s amusing about this is that Conway is lauded amongst Republicans for how well she understands “the female vote.” After 2012 (Our Year In Legitimate Rape), she counselled Republicans to never talk about rape again if they wanted women to vote for them. That seemed like a good strategy. . . . . . . .

I’m just waiting for America to shut itself down automatically once Trump becomes a “legitimate threat”...

maybe Trump is a result of the literal over-abundance of trash in this country - like somewhere there’s a landfill that spontaneously gained sentience and compacted itself into a human shape that now roams the country, slowly converting the entire thing into a giant trash dump.

Jesus Christ America, what did you do to deserve this? You need to take a long look in the mirror Miss, because this trash lives in you and speaks for you. Could even envelope you completely if you’re not careful. You need to do better dearie.