
We’re rapidly expanding and, what was once a team of about 15 people (all locals of the same city) is now a company of more than 300, which aggressively recruits employees from all over the world. We can’t expect to keep talented people of various backgrounds around when you’ve got some idiot doing impressions of

It’s a great place to work, as evidenced by our employee retention. And I’ve worked at other companies with similar policies AND without. I mean, I can live without going into the break room and hearing a coworker talk about why he “doesn’t date black chicks.” And without hearing another coworker do his best

I’m also sick of the trap argument that we’re too sensitive or easily offended because then if you disagree with said argument you’re “proving” their point. It’s fucking exhausting.

I’m just over here in my flannel and Doc Martens humming Heart Shaped Box.


They literally crossed out our generation with an X. >.>

I’ve decided that the true millennial definition is someone who was born before the end of the year 2000 (The millennium, not coincidentally) but did not turn 18 before the year 2000. So that would be anyone born between the beginning of 1983 and end of 2000.

And there will be no further discussion

No, I know that every generation derides the next, and some days I can just roll my eyes at dumb headlines and say “You cracked it, guys. Millenials are the downfall of society.”

The debate over safe spaces, too, has become cartoonized, a shorthand way to complain about privileged millennials

If there’s one thing we can agree on, it’s that rich people have too little voice in our elections. I can’t wait for random heirs and heiresses from across the country to tell me how to vote in my local election!

Thank you for saying this.

This isn’t like working for your run of the mill Republican, even your more unpleasant ones. This is working for a man who is both criminally stupid and a sociopath. If you aren’t able to admit that, admit your ultimate allegiance- as many, many stringent Republicans have already done- is not to the Republican party,

You missed the best thing this morning.

Man, talk about a blast from the past. I still remember being shocked at how many people were in the “I’m pro-choice but it’s a horrible shameful secret that she should have taken to the grave” camp.

I support abortion because you don’t want to be pregnant and have a baby. Period. I hate when supporters defend abortion by saying that a woman agonizes over the decision, it’s a “last resort” that needs to be there, it’s a magical prevention of poverty, etc. Women don’t need to explain abortion. It's our right.

I only recently realized that when we play Good Abortion, Bad Abortion everyone loses. I never consciously thought anyone had a bad reason for getting one, but by rhetorically relying on hypotheticals involving health problems, or multiple kids, I see now that I was implying that some women earned their abortions. The

It is why it is so important to repeat: On-demand, no questions asked, no judgement, for all women. Full stop. No caveats, no buts, no verbal hedging.

I mean, it is technically a miscarriage. It’s not for nothing that the medical term for a miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion. I get why it would be sensitive for people who have had miscarriages and are grieving for wanted pregnancies, but what is happening physically isn’t really different.

That’s only if Canada manages to get their wall up before the mass exodus in November.

“Man rape because of alcohol not because they don’t respect consent.”