
His friends gave him this nickname. His fucking friends. Like it was a big fucking joke. “LOL, you know our good buddy David and his penchant for raping unconscious girls.”

Due to the fact that his nickname is “David the Rapist”, I’m going to bet these two aren’t his only victims.

Inconsequential. you don’t hit people. Period. There is no excuse. There is no possible reason.

People who should be sued for malpractice.

Yes, obviously, murder is not a good thing, but how can this woman be held to the same standard as someone of sound mind who had a relatively normal upbringing? Most of us would know we had other options. Did she? Did she fully comprehend that she had legal options, given her upbringing, and the physical/mental

I’m going to have to disagree with you on that one. It sort of justifies it. I’m not saying she should go free, but 10 years sounds about right to me

So, basically, they are attempting to blackmail the family into silence with the threat of releasing her name. I mean, that’s what it sounds like to me. Correct me if that’s wrong.

To be fair, the only people who used the word mistake was Jalopnik in their clickbait title (which also implies the person who did the ‘firing’ [non-renewal of contract] is the person admitting the mistake). What Thompson actually said was that they couldn’t afford to lose Clarkson, mainly because alot of people who


Let not act like some assistant producer is important.

Please say that to your significant other when their superior gives her (or him) a light pat on the bottom at work. That doesn’t hurt either, but condemning such behavior unacceptable is not a “dumb mistake” in the slightest.

I agree, they had to fire him. But he’s right, they couldn’t afford to lose him, either. Definitely a “no-win” situation there for the BBC.

Assaulting a staff member over anything below sleeping with your wife or attacking your children is dumb. However, even in those cases you should expect to lose your job, but it would be worth it.

“Mistake”? Fuck that. You hit someone in a field where hitting people or getting hit isn’t a reasonable expectation, you lose your job.

F that...if you’re now saying it was a mistake, you’re saying that basic company policy (which is probably very lenient already, because showbiz) is perfectly okay with personal assault. I’m not okay with that, as much as I loved TG. There comes a point where your top celebrity or top salesman just can’t be kept

Well, it’s sort of like ice cream. Some ice cream is pleasurable. too much too fast is brain freeze — not pleasurable. Too much even eaten slowly leads to tummy aches — not pleasurable. Just the right amount is pleasurable.

I think it’s kind of funny that your comment sounds more like only men watch porn.
I guess women watched Magic Mike and Fifty Shades of Grey for the drama?

My son is young and not getting the ‘real’ sex ed yet, but we’ve done a lot of preliminary stuff like body sovereignty, proper names of body types, decreasing shame, and talking about pleasure (food is pleasurable, movement of the body is pleasurable, fun things are pleasurable) and how pleasure is a good thing.

Indeed! It’s not as though Jeb Bush or Ben Carson were particularly spirited opponents considering one obviously didn’t even want to be there, and the other apparently suffers from narcolepsy. Ted Cruz was the scariest thing up on that stage — and I sincerely feel for the various drifters he no doubt lured into his

Sometimes, in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing...