What is the super-long pennant flying from the island? Must be 100' plus.
What is the super-long pennant flying from the island? Must be 100' plus.
“They’re made out of meat?”
We’re not discussing the success or failure of any navy here.
In some instances, yes, others, no.
I know there are few things worse in the world than a grammar nitpicker and I am far from being an authority (just ask any of my high school English teachers), and you are by *far* my favourite blogger on any platform, but...
Hey Skipper! What does this button do?
Go away, troll.
It would increase the coolness and wow factors by several orders of magnitude if they would light the burners just before overflying the stadium.
“We will pass through the American patrols, pass their sonar nets, and lay off their largest city and listen to their rock ‘n’ roll while we conduct missile drills.”
I saw six B-52s and three KC-135s do an alert/MITO launch at Eielson AFB many years ago. From first start to the last KC departing took all of 10 minutes and left the ramp and runway with a Beijing-class case of smog. The last KC had to have been a full IFR departure, and was wobbling from the wake turbulence.
Though not a “tech” skill, being able to interact with human beings, participate in discussions, and create readable written communications are also important.
...and it would be so awesome to see a carrier running up to full speed going under the bridge. That would give a sense of what 30+ knots would look like along with the scale.
I care not if anybody is offended by it, even happy that they would be.
Not... even?
*BZZZZT* Disqualified. Thank you for playing. :)
Looks like a T-62 to me?