Not that hard:
Not that hard:
Potentially very useful from an automation standpoint.
Excellent article. I love it when things like this are dredged up from recent history.
I want to buy a poster of this shot.
Though I have no scientific proof to back it up, I’ve found eating exclusively with chopsticks to be a good diet mechanism (along with a healthy diet and regular exercise, yes).
Emerging dictator crowd you say?
Global tips
Swing the camera to the left about 45 degrees... you’d hardly recoginze the place.
Adm. Sir George Zambellas is also know as “Sir Not Appearing in this Film”.
Hi Mitch - oh, definitely, your product is very good and especially for your targeted audience. Kudos on the idea and getting it done.
While having a presentable and approachable resume is important, you should also take in to account that some corporate hiring systems strip all of that out and only store the text of the resume. Fonts, bold/underline, all of that is stripped out and linebreaks applied randomly.
My complaint about the French in WWII is with their government, not the military forces or the general population. Lebrun, Petain and their ilk were the disgrace.
Thanks for the inside peek, very cool.
Source?? GifMe is a great tool for managing your own giflibrary.
Reading this made me miss Harpoon (Classic) even more.
In order for the left-field questions to be valuable, you actually need to know the answer to them.
I do a lot of travel, both for business and pleasure. One thing I have learned over the years is to **not** pack as efficiently as possible on the outbound leg. Yes, get things in the bag nicely and avoid wrinkles, but don’t spend a lot of time packing it down to save every mm/3.
I point you towards the Zimmermann Telegram:…
Certainly the United States (nor any other country) is above reproach in their international dealings and politics, but if a countries military is tasked with protecting and defending their country and are successful in that role, then they are doing their job.