Can't convert Kellicams. Useless.
Can't convert Kellicams. Useless.
Take the time now to start cleaning things up, literally. If the family member lives alone or in a care facility (assisted living, nursing home, etc.) you should start clearing out the obvious extraneous stuff so that when the time comes, the final clear out won't be as difficult and you won't be asking questions "is…
I work from home and wish that I could get back in to an office environment. There. I said it. I don't like working from home.
I wish Zite would kick loose with an Android app.
Woot! Another Pro 1,1 user!
Now you have this plastic wind chime thing dangling off of your camera, being an irritation at the very least and making your camera jiggle at the worst.
"Anyone who has taken their camera on a trip" really is too broad of a generalization.
Buy whatever Rick Steves book suits your fancy, read it and then go.
You could always just go to your credit card issuer's website and read the information yourself, or you could call your credit card issuer and ask them to send you the information.
I don't know about their advice to "experiment with suede".
Looks like we need some military-grade aluminium foil over here, stat!
It all depends on how badly you want to go. If you don't care if you get an award seat or not, sure, wait and try your luck.
The narrator sounds almost exactly like the narrator to the original HHG! Even the spacey background music is a near match...
I wish Google would roll this type of service directly in to Voice. Even as a premium feature, I would pay for the ability to have a second phone number tied to my GV account, both for the burner capability but also for a "work number" that would be separate from my personal number.
Absolute BS. Another "guru" statement that somebody came up with after a nice sized bong hit.
And I would imagine that acrobatics are prohibited. The U-2 cockpit is very cramped and not a place to be doing such things.