It'll be another couple of years before we see anything out of Versus XIII with the pace they're going at... I just want the KH team back already for a proper console title.
It'll be another couple of years before we see anything out of Versus XIII with the pace they're going at... I just want the KH team back already for a proper console title.
Oh man, I'll be on TOP of an HD release for PS3 just for KH1 alone!
I wouldn't be opposed to a sequel, since TWEWY is one of my favorite games on top of being the most well-executed game for the DS. But what I REALLY hope is that is makes a great presence in the Kingdom Hearts 3DS game.
I'd just like to point out that Nomura only had a handle on the character design of TWEWY. Yes, it was made by the Kingdom Hearts team, but Nomura was never mentioned in any of the development other than being credited for the art.
Gawd! Release the KH team from that project ASAP so that we can get a proper KH3 title instead of some sorry spinoffs! I'm looking forward to Versus, too. But 6 years is way too much waiting for nothing.
Whoops~! I only read the headline because I was on my phone and thought they meant game trailers from the game industry, not just those from Anttila. My bad.
His first early concept looks a lot like Altair, but there is a particular artbook I have that shows the progression of Ezio's concept, this image being the first out of four images. (Another concept also showing a bare chest).
Can this make a tour in the States...? Please?!
It's actually early concepts of Ezio, but nevertheless it still makes me cringe.
Nope. This was EARLY concept of Ezio out of the hands of the artists contracted by Ubisoft...
Assassin's Creed Revelations E3 trailer...? Anyone...? I mean, I wasn't too impressed with the game (that's a whole other story), but these guys had me FROZEN in place when I entered the Ubisoft booth during the trailer.
That's EXACTLY what I thought of!
Yet again Ubisoft restricts a large part of their fanbase by localizing products... Why Ubisoft, WHY!?
I am also confused at your explanation...
Oh good, I thought it was just me. I'm horrible at shooters, but damn i KNOW i shot some heads while those guys were taking cover!
Yes, I need to find a way to get that hoodie to the States!
I'll just leave this here:
Adding to the pile, though expensive as hell:
I bet he can't WAIT to see his kid hit a sugar high right after
They do have the Oracle series; I have both. The only one they didn't publish was Wind Waker (which was a bummer, cause I was looking forward to it!).