
It’s uncanny, really.

I want to believe that Urban Meyer’s wife calling him in the middle of his press conference to tell him to pick up a gallon of milk is them basically dunking on Harbaugh after the win.

As a Giants fan, all I can say is: Janoris Jenkins is, and will forever be, a massive idiot. He was in high school, at Florida, and at North Alabama.

Oh, for fucks sake Samer. It’s a stupid sign.

I see. So on one hand, Deadspin uses college game signs to bump up traffic - and on the other hand critizes signs jumping in line for their shot at attention.

After that performance, OSU should have held practice on the field, not let fans storm it.

We beat our heated rival in a double OT game which pretty much seals our trip to the playoffs. If you don’t get why people stormed the field, your age isn’t the problem.





Barry should just spend his retirement clowning on athletes and famous people. Seriously, I would watch that show. Sure I bet he will want to “do some good” and help people a long the way, and that is fine too. But Obama got jokes...

God I’m gonna miss Barry O

You’re a dumbass. The blame is squarely on the officials here.

I’d say the reaction to a joke that was kinda clever, kinda meh, very harmless is perhaps a reason why Democrats lost the election.

Agreed. The irony is palpable: using the word “redneck” to describe the people Jost is talking about demonstrates his point exactly. Until the Dems can figure out how to engage the demographic that that slur refers to instead of continue to degrade it, we’re well and thoroughly screwed.

I agree. The bottom line it that being right about issues (equality, the environment, education, etc.) is great, but it is of little value if you cannot find the path to success. I don’t care for Jost, and I think he is dangerously close to suggesting some level of pandering, but the sentiment of trying to figure

>but Jost is saying that liberals should deemphasize equal rights for all people because it alienates rednecks.

I have a feeling that Jost would not characterize what he’s saying in that way. This piece would be a lot more effective if it accurately represented the viewpoint it’s arguing against.

it was a good joke

Hey hey, whoa now. Calling neo-nazis “Fecal-Americans” is a disservice to fecal matter. Manure is actually beneficial to the world.

Fuck CNN

I probably don’t want to, but I don’t get it.

Honestly, it’s a gross tweet, but..... I can’t seem to feel any outrage over this. Maybe I’m so accustomed to men talking like this that this tweet is very “vanilla” to me. I get it, hahaha a bunch of drunken white chicks... perfect time to get some, its bad but it’s not so bad that I’m gonna write him off. The way I