
I expect normal humps to name drop. Not name dropping is the classy thing to do. A super fan would be bragging to all of his friends that he met such and such and talked to whoseit. So w/e

whether I agree or disagree, I LOVE it when people keep their insults simple. I don't hate him, but when he talks or writes, it seems like an even keeled star struck super fan was just gifted a dream job. I'm sure he put in his time and all that. I'm just saying that if those words came out of someone else's mouth, I

I didn't know this was that kind of site. I don't have a problem with that. I'd just like a warning.

I know there are gay people who chose to be Christians. I think considering homosexuality to be a sin is dumb. Paul also says women shouldn't have leadership roles or even speak in church, and most Christians ignore that because it's old and backwards. If we can ignore one dumb thing Paul says that's rooted in how

There are groups of friends who have fun making fun of each other in awful ways that if shared with the internet would get them a write up on any number of blogs and gawker affiliates. A joke's funniness does not have a direct relationship to its offensiveness. There are clean jokes that are hilarious. There are mean,

Yeah, I actually checked his wiki after posting, but didn't realize he was so bad for that Clippers team. Anyway, I guess he got his shots already.

Random: Does Andre Miller ever get to play on a contender? And how many minutes per game is he capable of averaging? He always seems to be making great plays when giving the opportunity, but never gets that much attention or pt.

A lot of you people, yes YOU PEOPLE, would probably really enjoy the podcast "Shockingly Sexist Messages in the Modern World"

I could understand you being curious about why it's $30 cheaper, but the reasons are probably super practical. I can't imagine some woman being like, "I'm going to charge less cuz FUCK men!" lol I think the shallow discrimination angle is what they ended up saying which I can totally picture someone doing because they

No, it's not where it starts. I don't think bad ideas ever begin as jokes. I think bad ideas come from narrow-mindedness, stubbornness, rigidity, a lack of empathy etc.. If someone just sent out this list, I'd reply something like, "Yeah, it sucks that women are human beings and not weapons designed to kill things

Ah, I see now.

I can't understand why he would be angry. I'm having a really hard time trying to imagine why a guy would be mad about women's only gyms. Can you please say why he said he was mad? It's like some kind of riddle to me. Okay, maybe he's a personal trainer, and somehow it leads to him having less people to market himself

Slow sports news day, huh? I have to click through to remind myself why Rovell is worth this much time. It's either that or it's a real slow news day. I browse/read the Skittles thing lol then scrolled to the comments section. It's my fault for clicking in the first place. Anyway, you successfully proved to me that

I'd say I'm more into stats than the average basketball head, and I had no idea the stats guys were saying either of those last two things. I don't think you're wrong. I think that this is a case of hatred driving you to be more knowledgeable about what stat heads think than the people that kinda like stats heads.

bulllshit, playing against the miami heat will cost him a series. Them pacers have 7 games to win 4 times. This is just one loss. If Pacers found a way to win 3, Miami would find a way to win 4. Blunder is West's fault for...I mean make Ray Allen curl instead of fade, and maybe he doesn't get going. The transition

"Oh no, you're mistaken. I wasn't trying to make him stop. I just wanted to give him a good reason to bitch at me on twitter."

I should have made it more personal and written it in a more positive way like, "There are so many ways you could be enhancing your life with the 22-30 minutes it would take to watch an episode of Sailor Moon, and I really like to encourage people to make not-shitty decisions with how they spend their time," but I was

lol I can totally imagine a sailor moon fanperson being set off by the comment "I guess that only applies if you're into magical girl series, though".

and that "baby" was gender neutral, so don't flip out about being a guy or not being a guy, I'd call dick cheney "baby" if I got the chance. And, yes, I would call a man named Richard, baby. Although I'm pretty sure Dick's first name is dick, but I don't care to look it up.

Trolls don't think, baby, they just troll. Don't know no better.