
Add a roll hoop or bar for safety and make it look good and I’m sold. Basic motoring doesn’t always have to eschew safety.

I agree 100%

He would never do that. There’s just no way! lol.

“The referee has very clear responsibilities on pass plays to look for roughing or illegal contact to the quarterback.”

Meanwhile, Somewhere in the world, Alonso is looking for a clause that let’s him out of his McLaren contract with immediate effect.

Been saying this for years and some of my F1 friends hate me for it.

God! that is the most hideous thing I’ve ever seen! Gorgeous Enzo though.

Very happy for Nico. Congrats to him. Definitely a deserving champion in my opinion.

Now that’s an idea I fully encourage and support.

Impressive! but, where’s the sunroof?

No, no thanks. I think I’ve had my fill for today lol. But I will be watching this series, looks very interesting.

This is fantastic. I’m glad the ILX sleeps outside. It just doesn’t belong in this group IMHO.

Holy shit that was dark! Good morning to you too!

Lindsay Lohan levels of coke.

But he stayed off the carousel.

Can’t believe that actually worked. Awesome play

Is that the proper rotation order for the GT? Not that it matters, honestly lol.

This guy is freaking hilarious. A must follow on Instagram

That’s all just “patina”. Lots and lots of “patina”. NP

WTF did I just read? sure, I was entertained, but I’m left more confused than I already was about life in general.