
I say just get rid of it all together. Been saying it for a while. There are many much more interesting tracks around the world (Watkins Glenn, with a little cash injection being one of them) that would put on a much more interesting race than the craptacular, glamouros yearly parade that Monaco is now days. It’s a

10/10 would watch!

Ha ha!

I honestly think there was, Wickens left a little too much space on the inside. Was it wise to go for it given the circumstances? That’s a totally different question. I guess Rossi just felt he had to take the chance.

You may be right, but it’s always a great excuse for when a driver gets a little overzealous with a passing maneuver and causes a crash. Just sayin’.

If you no longer go for a gap that exists.... you probably know the rest, so, yeah.

As Tavarish would say, why pay for a brand new 747 when you can get a used one for the price of a well equipped Cesna.

Call me stupid but can’t we fix the trains AND keep the lights. That video completely sold me on them!

I think he’s headed back to Renault if you ask me. I can’t see Mercedes upsetting Lewis’ little world and no way he’s going back to Ferrari. Besides, with Renault comes a possible assault on the 24 hours of LeMans via Peugeot should they return as they’ve been discussing. 

It’s about goddamn time!

So what you’re saying is that it was your maiden Iron Maiden concert?

I’m officially bringing this hashtag out.

Osha approved!

Osha approved!

It’s not ugly, just misunderstood

Beauty is the eye of the beholder. I actually think it’s pretty


So they can mount a dash cam. Russian drivers are pretty crazy.

You’re graspping at straws here, mate.

“bonafide Hummer.”

“bonafide Hummer.”