Somewhere, Hope Solo read this, said “Hold my beer,” and beat up a family member.
Somewhere, Hope Solo read this, said “Hold my beer,” and beat up a family member.
The complete package Down Under.
Look, I work hard 6 days a week. Can’t I have a Sunday free of prayer?
Ok, homer AND kind of drunk here but... what’s the rule on this when a receiver/runner is in contact with a defender? Because “hit to the head” would be a penalty 90% of the time with most gang tackles. Trevathan never leaves his feat, leads with the shoulder...
Long time ago, I used to work for a company that did work at Fenway.
We were up on the roof in the offseason, inspecting rooftop equipment.
One of the guys I was with got behind a chiller/AHU and found a ball wedged in there. It was a 2004 WS ball.
That was cool.
Acting like you’re a 5-year-old after the last piece of…
Fuck me. I just took a handful of Aleve after watching
MN resident and Vikings fan here. We may be blue, but trust me when I say, go 15 minutes any direction out of the twin cities and we’re just as much a bunch of mouth breathing, ‘but her emails’, not worth the distraction, ignorants as any southern state. On that note, if we seriously trot Keenum’s ass out there…
Minnesota is a blue state. Just want to point that out guys. In case you’re looking to sign a quarterback
Quarterbacks with knees should probably avoid the Vikings.
If he were a Republican, he’d still be in office.
I’m trying to decide how much of my “lock him up and throw away the key” reaction is based on what a gross pig monkey predatory piece of shite he is and how much is based on my anger over his fucking up the election.
Should have drank more water.
He only played in 44 career games and still had severe CTE. The NFL isn’t going to like this one bit.
He looks like a Dothraki power bottom.
He just got his bell rung a bit. Some smelling salts and gatorade and he should be just fine.
I was gonna give you a star, but you’re at 69 right now, and I don’t want to make Gronk sad.
racists always call themselves un-PC ‘realists’, so no.
I suspect it’s the same people who unfurled the “Racism is as American as Apple Pie” banner on the set of the Paula Deen show.
“I never saw any racism signs while I was playing at Fenway”
-Curt Schilling