Credit to Sloane Stephens who played a very smart contained match but made the tougher shots when she needed to (which wasn’t very often).
Credit to Sloane Stephens who played a very smart contained match but made the tougher shots when she needed to (which wasn’t very often).
I was pulling for Sloane and felt really happy for her, but man, it was brutal to watch Madison in that second set. Felt terrible for her, and may or may not have had a dust attack as they met at the net.
American women’s tennis will hopefully stay good for the future as the Williams sisters are aging.
That is one of the greatest, most important sports moments I have ever witnessed. They are two of the only honorable sportspersons on Earth right now because they understand that love is far, far more important than money or a championship.
He deserves to be paid more.
And yet Geno makes twice the money with half the class.
And my five-year-old came in and she looked at the TV and said, “Daddy, are those boys playing basketball?”
I’ve been to the DeVos’ “entertaining condo” in Grand Rapids, a luxury, two story PH owned just for throwing parties (I was naive enough at first to think it was their son’s actual home). The Libertarian adopted “Don’t Tread on Me” flag flies off the balcony, and I wondered, “how could anyone, ever, possibly trample…
Heh. Suede pickle.
Its all fun and games until you’re fiending for a sixer of Steel and you can’t get back to the malt liquor aisle because someone decided to drop trou and leave a suede pickle right inside the door.
This is just in time for the DEVOS EDUCATIONAL RETOOLING PLAN. We will use #DERP to #MAGA
You joke, but look at New Orleans.
Counterpoint: this will be great for the mold spore removal industry because jobs #MAGA #Mar-a-Lagofuckyourself
Don’t worry, I’m sure Betsy DeVos will swoop in and open hundreds of for profit charter schools as soon as possible.
Yep. Like when the police force in my town brought out their Bearcat in response to a woman who barricaded herself in her house and said she would kill herself. Of course, when she saw the SWAT team and armored vehicles, she did kill herself. Way to de-escalate and protect public safety!
They just love having reasons to trot out the big hardware.
Okay, I actually am in a polyamorous relationship, and have been since about 2001, and I can tell MVP that there’s actually a term for the bullshit her boyfriend is pulling. It’s called “Relationship Broken? Add More People!”, and it refers specifically to the kind of person who thinks that polyamory is a solution to…
Didn’t try Roanoke. Hmmmm. Maybe try it for a rainy weekend marathon?
I gave up after the Carnival season.
You can’t make a horror story out of Trump’s election that is worse than what is actually happening. I’m supposed to give a shit about some rich white lady who is afraid of clowns? Thanks, but I’m sticking to the horror stories of families who are living in fear of being torn apart and deported, for starters.